Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Multi-hued me

A good friend recently told me that I have a "presence" when I walk into a room. I'm noticed. No one had ever told me that before and I take his comment as a compliment. Though, I'm unsure if that's the case. Maybe it is.......I don't know because I'm not in the room watching me walk into it. I do often feel a sense that others glance up occasionally, though I am able to slip into place (I think) unnoticed if I want to. And, there have been many times when I have been introduced to someone for the 19th time and they proceed with the intros like it was the first.

I feel this presence thing most when I'm up in front of a group of people teaching or delivering a speech. But, doesn't everyone who has this opportunity feel the same way? I don't know.

The Meyers Briggs personality indicator consistently captures me as an ENFP.......Extroversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perception. The most predominant traits are the first two......I'm an intuitive extrovert. What feeds my intuition are my feelings. What is expressed through my extroversion are feelings. The good, the bad, the ugly; Tenderness, happiness, joy, compassion -- Frustration, impatience -- Anger, sarcasm, bite.
Sometimes, being an extrovert I will act on my intuitive feelings too quickly, catching people unawares......I will impulsively hug someone, or show my empathy............I will also try to set boundaries if I feel mine have been crossed. If I feel attacked or if I feel my family has been attacked in any way I don't hold back. It is a strong protective reaction I when you have to slam on the brakes in the car and your right arm automatically reaches over to protect the passenger.

Piss me off, and don't expect me to walk away............I am working on it........really and truly I am.........there are times when it would be best to do so. This of course is normally learned in shameful hindsight and regret. I do try to capture feelings before they are flying out of me. It may be the Irish streak and the Scottish lass in me......... :) Yes, let's blame in on the Darby side of my family..............

But, do I have a presence? Hmmmmm? Feelings do emanate from me, even if I am trying to restrain them. If I had to describe myself in colours of feeling, red would be my foundation. Inside, I am multi-hued red which to me conjures up warmth, love but also firey heat of anger and everything in between.

RED..........glowing through my skin from my soul. Shades of red.

The deep purple reds
are joyful exhuberance always ready to set my feet dancing fast or taking a rolling run at a hill in the summer. It is the colour that shoots out of me when I'm in the middle of a party and everyone is having FUN. It is the colour I love to wear in the middle of winter when dreary is the tone of the day and I want to zazz it up.....

Fire-licking orangey red traditionally represents my passion. It's very hard to contain if I'm feeling orange. If I'm in a meeting for example, and I'm supposed to exude a calm water blue when in fact I am bursting at the seams with some passionate idea a sense of wanting to share it like a child whose just been given a tub of their favourite ice cream and a spoon. I can do blue, but orange-red takes precidence more often than not.

Blood red is life, which pulsates through us all. Consistent, reliable, oxygenated, needed........for living life. It is the blood red, a balance of all the red hues which represents compassion for me. Compassionate love, compassionate desire, compassionate is blood red that I strive to show with my presence.

Sometimes it gets a tinge of another colour...............sometimes my blood red runs cold with disdainful hurt. Sometimes my blood red runs overheated with excitement. Sometimes my blood red runs smoothly in a flow of balance..........when a smile is a smile and not a mask of another colour.
And sometimes, when I'm calm, safe, quietly still, the red in me fills my heart with comfort and brings a sparkle to my green eyes.
Do I have a recognized presence when I walk into a room......well, I guess it depends on the hues of red I happen to be wearing. Oh, and the bright red ruby slippers..........they help me get noticed too.


Unknown said...

I love this post.
Having presence it definitely a compliment. It shines through in your writing too.
What a beautiful color description you did based on the photo...very intuitive ;)

Shaz said...

I love your take on intuition. I struggle to find words these days but we sound similar on that front its funny we both touched on this at the same time.
I would say its a compliment you sound as if you deserve the extroverts rock

Robert said...

i am an INFJ and yes im sure it was meant as a compliment. Green is my hue but i love how you described your red hues very descriptive. I like candy apple red polish when girls wear it oopppssssss another subject entirely *one of our mutual friends will laugh when they read that dana* gotta love red!!!

awareness said...

thank you Tori. I LOVE the fact that you are constantly changing your pic! Many hues you are.......

Shaz....yes, intuition is a topic I had been thinking about for a while. It tied into my topic today.
Extroverts do rock!! We also tend to get into the thick of things more often....... :) we are shit disturbers, uh huh, uh huh.....

robert.....INFJ.......hmmmm.....and green. I think it fits. I asked my 9 year old son tonight what colour he felt he was inside, and he picked green. When I asked him why......he said because it represents summer and activity and happiness.

As for the candy apple red?? Funny, I almost wrote a paragraph using that colour description. And toenails are always painted that shade!! It's an extroverted pale pinks for me.

take care all.