Tuesday, April 07, 2009

religion and curiosity = religiosity?

Am I religious? What does that mean?

I don't attend church regularly. But I try to be attentive in the living of my life.

I stumble on the words of most prayers I should probably know off by heart. But I've learned that prayer is really the unfolding of our thoughts and actions as I try to be attentive in the living of my life.

I know the tunes of the more well known hymns sung during times of worship. But, I know have learned that there are many songs and pieces of music which are not found within the traditional scripts played out in church but touch the soul as deeply.

I was baptised as a young child and confirmed and welcomed into a church as an adolescent. But, I have wrestled with my doubts and disbeliefs, my personal dismissal of faith only to see it return in a different more flexible form.

There have been moments in my life when I have been lifted in spirit while listening to a choir, or absorbing the message and flow of a moving sermon. Tears have fallen watching the joy of two people going through the beautiful ritual of matrimony, or seeing a baby being baptised.

I have been touched deeply by sacremental communion.

Stopped in my tracks, I have felt the stillness of being surrounded by the tall pine dappled in morning sunlight.

I have watched storms rage, rains pelt, rainbows stretch across the sky and I have never grown tired of experiencing the glory of the sunrise and the satisfying beauty of a sunset.

I have paddled a canoe through all kinds of weather and floated with the currents.

I have given birth twice and held my new babies as they took their first breaths, speechless in the presence of a miracle.

So, is this religious? How would I define my religion?

To me, it is striving to live by.....

showing compassion
accepting others differences
being kind
being open to the caring healing of sharing in another's poverty and sorrow
affirming the goodness in another
remembering I am not better nor worse than anyone else
recognizing the pain and the joys in others
trying to offer the rest of humanity whatever gifts I can to help make this a better place to live.

Not ornate....nor simplistic. Humanistically driven, while knowing and accepting the "visible signs of an invisible reality" as one of God's children.

Am I religious? If believing in humanity and actively playing my role within the vastness of it is considered religious...than yes I am.


Robert said...

If all you described is what being *religious* truky is dana, then may the vast majority of us hop on the bandwagon and strive for exactly that!!!! So good to see how your words have been steadily flowing for some time now lovely miss awareness *wink* :) Keep them flowing!!!

Anonymous said...

I try not to comment on religious posts as to me it as sacred and personal as love...

for me there is always the saying 'closer to the church, furtherest from God'

what you describe is spiritual, and not bound by this or that religion, I think it is beautiful and individual.... gorgeous post chick

awareness said...

Robert...I was listening to an interview on the weekend that triggered this post...the crux of it was around the fact that all religions have one component in common....that of compassion. And in order for our cultures to survive, we must strive to show and share our compassion. And yet, we get it all so muddle up don't we?
Good to see you here again. :) Happy Easter my friend.

Abbey....it is bound by all religions. that's how i see it...the underpinning of religion. Church is one place we can worship and though I'm not in the routine of attending, I consider them to be sacred. Its not the church i have a problem with, it's the hierarchical power structure who turn holy into fundamentalism.

Anonymous said...

The most religious people I have known were very in touch with their spirituality. As you are. A truly uplifting, inspiring post!

BlazngScarlet said...

My problem has always been with organized religion.
I consider myself very spiritual, always have.
Like you, very humanistic, and earthy.

Churches, synagogues, temples, whatever one chooses to worship in is then what becomes sacred to that person.
I just don't feel the need to go to one.
My life is my church and my body is my temple.
I treat both with reverence, respect and compassion.

awareness said...

Selma...thank you. It kept getting away from me. I didn't want it to be too long, which happens to me a lot.!

Scarletina...I have had good experiences with organized religion in my youth, even ran chapel services myself.... and have dipped my toes into it lately...haveeve n been considering taking religious studies courses. I tried to find an ALPHA group this winter but had no luck....hope to in the fall because I would like to put more structure into my life now. But, I also understand how many have been felt the experience of being turned off by organized religion. Any that I would even consider joining would have to have an openness to questions and reflections....to discussions and contemplations....but more importantly, an active community involvement component to it.
I've also been thinking alot about sacremental rituals which I miss and feel the need to have them back in my life. I do feel the reverence and at times transformational grace in my daily life...and try to be open to that. But, there is an illuminating and soul touching feeling to taking communion and being a part of a service which I miss.

ooooo....! that was a long one! My life is my church....my body my temple...me too. But for me, only because I am feeling God's love within me. He showed up again about 4 years ago. :)

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

"Am I religious? If believing in humanity and actively playing my role within the vastness of it is considered religious...than yes I am."

you took the words right out of my mouth....

Anonymous said...

compassion i like... to suffer with - apt right now

awareness said...

Irish Heather....good to be on the same page. :)

Paul...apt, yes. Last night, I watched Slumdog Millionaire and was struck so deeply by the lack of humanity in the lives and stories depicted, and that side of how people treat others etc is in us all.

Compassion is in us....sometimes it is hidden so deeply by the evil experiences one encounters in their lives.

Ah, but in the end? Love conquered didn't it?

Rainbow dreams said...

sounds like a good religion to live by :)

awareness said...

katie...all we can do is try.