Friday, December 22, 2006

winter solstice

Last night, friends gathered to celebrate the longest night of the year. Tired from a long autumn of work and school and extra-curricular responsibilities a reflection of life's frantic pace, we all felt low ebb energy. It was almost too much effort to even attend. The lure of fellowship and the twilight mystery behind event, however, was enough to keep the incentive to come together alive.

The feast of always an attractive lure.......

The last time we converged on this friend's home was six months ago to celebrate the shortest night of the year.
It was light until late......warm t-shirt weather.
Excited expectations felt by all.....
the end of school and the beginning of a long hazy summer holiday.
Kids of all ages played games in the fields below the house
Parents of all ages enjoyed a spectacular view of the river and the forest beyond.
A group of boys worked together to build a rocket which shot HIGH into the summer sky.
They were so pleased.
We all cheered.
A glorious sunset treated our eyes.

The feast of fellowship sparked our low ebb.
Marking the beginning of winter gatherings
This time....... the kids of ALL ages came together
Under a bazillion stars
Huddled close to ward of the nippy winds
Close to the blazing bonfire
Singing and howling at the moon
Laughing at the sound of eachothers howling
Watching the crackling sparks that floated high up in the air, whisked away by the wind
Eating gooey melted marshmallows, just like summer
Talking of Christmas
Celebrating the end of school for the holidays
Sharing the night sky

Off in the distance...through the bare trees...were tiny lights on homes.....a blurry merge ofred, green, blue.....

Low ebb energy recharged............ by the howling laughter of sticky marshmallow faces.

One little boy upon returning to the house after braving the cold for much longer than most of the adults, ran into the kitchen..........his face flushed by the wind, his eyes as wide as saucers announced with enthusiastic gusto............THAT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOO FUN!

1 comment:

BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Sounds like a very beautiful way to connect with family and nature.

Wishing you all a Happy Holiday!