Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I am Discomfort.
I dwell in the dark night of your soul where ache and yearning cuss and moan. I'm not well liked. In fact most people avoid me until they have no choice by to arrive at my doorstep. Most of my visitors begin their journey around twilight, when hope intermingles with doubt. I'm predominantly nocturnal, absorbing light and all colours to form my black cloak. But behind the cloak, I'm your naked image, vulnerable to the cold winds of reality. No, I'm not a pretty sight...with birthing stretch marks displaying the struggles I have faced. But, if you stay awhile, you will see my inner beauty. You will know that I'm on your side.

My name is Discomfort.

Dizzying Discomfort............I spring forth with fumes of light headed enlightenment, even if it's not wanted. I have the ability to burrow under your skin, or to tap, tap, tap on your conscience. I will nestle into the pit of your stomach and make you long for that zone where my nemesis comfort dwells. But who wants to go there? If you stay with me, I will offer you awareness, insight............a place to make decisions. I will take away your yearning, at least for a little while. I will help you find the compass to guide your way through the transitional twilight, out of the bear growling wilderness and into a pasture where sunrises express hopeful glory.

My name is Discomfort.

I may absorb light..........stay hidden in the haunting shadows of despair and doubt, but believe it or not I also hold your dreams until you're ready to take a risk. The journey to my dwelling may be fraught with confusion, aversion and dislocation............but I will make it worth your while. Why? Because I am where all learning takes place.
I am the salt left from weeping, the ache in your misery, the sting of new stretching.....the sensitive side of surrender. I am the beauty in your wounds. I am in the rising of passion.

Trust me............please?


Karen said...

I am the salt left from weeping, the ache in your misery, the sting of new stretching.....the sensitive side of surrender. I am the beauty in your wounds. I am in the rising of passion.......that summed it up perfectly for me and how well I understood exactly what you were saying.

kenju said...

"I'm your naked image, vulnerable to the cold winds of reality."

The whole thing is beautifully written. Above is the essence for me.

awareness said...

Gypsy....I actually changed the ending from the original post. I ended up stuck in construction traffic on the way to work and the words came to me.....I grabbed my little red journal and jotted it down right then and there......on the BRIDGE no less! When it strikes...grabit while it simmers. Glad you liked it.

Judy....It is what jumped out at me as well when I first wrote it. Thank you for the feedback Judy.

Mark said...

Excellent writing and very wise thoughts! May we all come to befriend discomfort!