Sunday, June 03, 2007

who's hiding in there?

from post a secret website.
this little "super squirrel" made me laugh today

Funny how shy we are about sharing some of our talents. The urge to be one of a crowd, to be accepted by others seems to override our incentive to show our true colours. This is perhaps more predominant when we are younger and the desire to "fit in" is so prevalent. And yet, we all have hidden talents we are reticent about sharing even when we're older and have reached a point where we have found our way to becoming adults.

In the long run, who are we hurting if we don't expose our tap dancing, baritone singing, impressionistic painting, basket weaving, poetry writing, tuba playing, number crunching, people connecting, mystic dreaming talents?

Nobody but ourselves...........right? Why do we care so much about what other's think? Why don't we want to shine?

What's a little discomfort for goodness sake?


OK.........So, tomorrow? Just so you know......... I plan to chuck my job, hit the road to perform my one woman belly dancing show. It's showtime! to fess up?


Bar L. said...

Oh good, are you going to put a video on You Tube of your dancing? I'll be looking forward to it!

Great post and so true (love the pic too!)

Shaz said...

I want to see you Belly Dance Yay

awareness said...

Layla......oh, yes.....but only after I move from the little lounge places where I will begin to Broadway.....let me practise first and then we'll see ;)

Shaz....perhaps i need to get some of those rainbow piercings to go with my bangles and swishy skirts?

Dustin said...

I think we also harm the world when we don't share our talents and gifts. I tend to believe that by sharing them the world becomes a little closer, and we begin to realize just how similar we all are.

Disillusioned said...

I have always found it really hard to admit to my strengths; working on this has been a big part of my recovery. I agree with dustin though about sharing gifts.

awareness said...

I agree with you dustin.......and who knows, maybe one of those talents we share could make a difference?

Caroline.......let it shine, shine, shine!! Hope it went well for you today........multi-talented woman!!

Robert said...

definitely sana we need to let our gifts be expressed love to see you look shakira-like make sure have lots of bangles and sparkles yummy fun stuff!!!

Matthew said...

Thanks for the reminder! Strange that we have created a culture that shies away from revealing its true treasures. You may be joking about belly dancing but I know of several ladies who have supped from the divine movements and loved it!

Kamsin said...

Great picture, and great post! Why is it so hard to show who we really are and what we can really do? I guess we're afraid of standing out and of being that person who has no self-awareness and pursues the one thing they have no talent for. But yeah, letting our light shine often releases others to do the same, and more people living to their potential has to be a good thing.

awareness said...

robert.........will do! it modesty that makes us shy away? I think we can remain modest and humble and still show our talents, don't you think? Somewhere along the line, we have mixed up boasting and shining....weird.

ps...I love to dance....and would love to learn how to belly dance. I should look into it. I think it would be such fun.

kamsin...hi! Isn't that the funniest pic? Squirrels crack me up. I think it's because they look so innocent and yet they get themselves into trouble all the time.

Unknown said...

Hi Dana-
Glad to have a few minutes to catch up on your blog!
I will do some tap dancing for the opening act of your show!
Hope all is well.