Tuesday, June 05, 2007

saving grace...........

Satellite image of the coast of Newfoundland

There are some days when the news is full of stories I'm interested in reading. Ranging from local political, international, sports, and human interest, my interests are varied and nothing is more stimulating or satisfying that soaking up current events in order discuss them with others. Given that I am married to a news junkie reader guy historian, this is a good thing.

Today, the media was crammed packed with interesting stuff. In fact, I can't remember a day lately when I was interested in reading the national paper from cover to cover (oh and don't you worry you right wing nutbars out there...........I'm not fooled :). Though I'd like to share my opinions on all of them, there is one story which stands out....... and which I'd like to pass onto to you.

130 kilometres off the northeast coast of Saint John's Newfoundland, a crab fishing boat caught fire last week with 6 men aboard. 5 of them had survival suits, gear necessary to survive the sub-zero water temperatures. The 6th man, an 18 year old, lost his suit in the fire. His choice was to die in the fire or jump ship. He jumped ship wearing a t-shirt and shorts. He survived the two hours in the water as they waited to be rescued.

Consider the following facts:
  • It is unlikely that an unprotected person n water below 10 degrees celsius will survive longer than an hour
  • The moment a person enters cold water the body experiences cold shock. Symptoms include the gasp reflex and difficulty holding breath
  • Between 0 and 30 minutes, the body will become incapacitated and the person will struggle to move.
  • After 30 minutes hypothermia sets in, which eventually (and quickly) leads to the heart stopping
AND yet, this young man survived two hours in sub-zero temperatures How? Here's the rest of the story. I welcome you to check it out and let me know how the story made you feel.........


Shaz said...

Wow, there are still miracles I love that the crew hung with him I feel like that about my friends they are my family and I would stick with them till the end now and always. I can relate to this story for that but omg how awesome to be that strong and defy the odds.

awareness said...

hey shaz......isn't that the most amazing story? To have such strength in beliefs and convictions to be able to stick to them knowing you may die yourself?
The picture I had in my head of these men huddled together in the middle of the vast Atlantic....like specks in the water, illuminating an expanse of humanity. It leaves me feeling a sense of awe and wonder over the power working together and of survival against huge odds if we do figure out a way to work together......

Queen Mel said...

that story brings tears to my eyes, what those men suffered and sacrificed for fellow shipmate. Those men no matter what are bonded for life, they saved that 18 year old, saved him.