Monday, June 11, 2007

door into lighthouse

Insights are not always rosy aha moments are they? Sometimes new awareness is like a kick in the gut, especially when it has to do with ourselves. Who really wants to acknowledge places where the paint has been scraped off by predictable and unpredictable weathering?

The most deeply felt insights seem to dovetail with vulnerability, when you're at your lowest most naked ebb. I think this is why prayer can be so profound. Though not always, there are times when one can surrender to this feeling of vulnerability, and find the confidence to allow for the insights to lead to personal growth and learning. Then, we begin to see the nicks and life tattoos in a manner with which we can accept them.....that perhaps it's better to allow your authenticity and accumulated experiences show rather than a freshly painted facade.

Does it take courage to open the door to insight? Maybe. Courage to listen to the wise whispers found within the silence between the words of a prayer perhaps is the key to getting to a point when we have no more amour to defend the facade.....when you throw your hands in the air and say to yourself.............what do I have to lose? Help me figure it out.

Vulnerability as a means to insight......unlocks the incentive to ask the "whys" and "how comes" and all of those questions we often want to avoid. It is vulnerability which opens our ears and hearts to listening to the Consoler, the Holy Spirit. It is vulnerability which allows us to know we have someone pretty darn special walking with us.

Insights may be a kick in the gut sometimes, but they are a path that can lead us to honest reflections........ or to bed with our head under the pillow.


Dustin said...

It is very interesting how "insights" can either lead one to utter joy, as if discovering some new love in life, or utter despair, as if one has finally realized they've been doing it all wrong.

Unknown said...

Your words seem to enter my life at the exact moment that I need them. It is like you are writing this just for me and I thank you for being so open in you writing so that I can feel so connected.
You encourage me to tap into my strength and welcome everything in my life with open arms.

awareness said...

hey dustin.....that's exactly what I was thinking. there doesnt seem to be anything in between.

tori....i'm pleased to know that because i'm often writing based on the stuff that i seem to be trying to figure out. i find the same when i read your posts....despite our age difference, it seems to me we are both re-evaluating our career paths, and our relationships.

i wasn't happy with this post, actually. it didn't come out the way i wanted it to....or as eloquently or something. it was like i thought about it too much, and thought it best just to get the ideas out and move on. at first i wrote about the "insights" I had experienced last week, but decided to make it more general.

so, thank you for the feedback.

Robert said...

I need more *insights* which help me to realize Gods love and grace in a deep way too much the ones i get have me left feeling like im getting whipped by a paddle as punishment for being bad or failing in some way thank you for providing hints of discovering His grace and peace as you share dana!!

Shaz said...

I seen a sign the other day.
You can pray for rain but faith is carrying the umbrella.
I would be lost with out prayer.
I am never alone in my faith and I love that it gives me peace.
I love this post you write so beautifully I can't press on this enough you always touch me.
I love it as always....(((HUGS)))

X said...

I tend to ask myself "why" a lot...I'm an asker....and I'm never satisfied with an answer. Sometimes that can be good, but other times, I just dig myself in a hole.

The Harbour of Ourselves said...

Oliver Wendell Holmes said that 'a moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience.'

And I think it was the arist Gauguin who said (and I paraphrase badly), I shut my eyes in order to see.

Guess we all need to brave enough to go through those doors.....

Rainbow dreams said...

yes I guess insights are either scary or reassuring, but either way we take something from them....
perhaps it's when we are at our lowest that we are most open and sensitive and so insights appear so glaringly, though we also need the comfort of someone to say it's all going to be ok...

awareness said...

Hi Robert....sometimes insights alight upon you when you're not expecting them....dont you think? It seems like the most powerful insightful moments for me happened when I was looking the other way. :)

Shaz.....i love that is carrying the umbrella... your encouragement is felt on this end......thanks! :)

K...OMG me too. I was talking about this with my son last night in the car on the way to a baseball practise....his brain was hurting from all that he has had to process of late....we agreed that sometimes it would be nice to turn the old thinker off from time to time....:)

Paul....a moment's insight is often an accumulation of life's experience, which is exactly how it hit me last week...WHEN i had my eyes closed sitting in a car dealership parking lot waiting for the service people to look at the engine light issue in my van. This is actually how I initially started this post and then deleted it.

I decided to sit out in the sun instead of in the claustrophobic (and full) waiting room....and took the opportunity to close my eyes, put my face to the sun and clear my head....listening to the world around me.....the cars on the highway, the wind in the trees, the birds...many sounds.

meditative and prayer full i was, i was........then......

My eyes closed and I could see...lots. it overwhelmed me at first because it's true, you find that an insight or a new piece of learning does alter things's such a strange feeling when it happens.

One more thing......i often will close my eyes to capture the words I want to use in my writing....clarity seems to be found that somehow allows us to tap into our imaginations more readily. are so right. We do need reassurance because sometimes, I don't know about you, but I wonder if I have completely messed up my thinking.....I need to verbalize it so that I know that I am "seeing" it clearly or not. Does that make sense?

We need to ask......"do you see it this way?" And,.... what do you think?

Anna said...

I love this door. :) Wonderful shot.

paris parfait said...

Insights can be quite scary - I had one yesterday that threw me for a loop. Great red door photo! xo

Harmony said...

Insights can sometimes can be an ugly reminder of how wrong we can be and sometimes they can be life affirming. Unfortunately my insights lately come under the ugly category. I'm sure I will see the beauty soon just because I refuse to look at life any other way.

Don't be disappointed in the way you expressed yourself here Dana, i understood perfectly.

Jen said...

I'm glad to have read some of your posts this morning before starting my busy day....this one has given me much to think about. Enjoyed the eccentric one..something to chuckle about! (linked to you from Tori)