Thursday, February 22, 2007

thought du jour

I prefer winter and fall,

when you feel the bone structure in the landscape

- the loneliness of it -

the dead feeling of winter.

Something waits beneath it

- the whole story doesn't show-

Andrew Wyeth


paris parfait said...

Gorgeous photo and quote. And I like the fact that "the whole story doesn't show."

Anna said...

What a warm shot. Very soothing.

awareness said...

Hey Tara.......thank you. It was taken one evening a couple of weeks ago while I was "monitoring" a group of anklebiters toboganning...they were behind me......facing this gorgeous sunset too as they raced down the hills!!
I too like that fact that the whole story doesn't show.....or perhaps is yet to be told :)

Hi Anna.......thank you....I love the many. I chose the photo because of the branches. I thought it fit the quote.