Friday, February 02, 2007

on writing

What is it about writing that captures me?

In the past, I would spend hours staring down a blank page wondering what I could write about that hadn't already been stated before a thousand different times, in a thousand different ways. I would stall as my desire to write would evolve into blankness, stuck on trying too hard to find something original. There were many fits and starts. I joined a writing group which turned out to be a de-motivator and actually zapped me of my confidence in my ability for a long time.

Still, I continued to make lists of story ideas which would lead to writing a paragraph or two, but then the impetus would leave me as soon as I started second guessing the validity of my creative attempts. I'd also hear a story that would spark my interest enough for my brain to register it as fodder. But, nothing substantial materialized. It remained as an idea............a thought bubble. This went on for years.

If I had to describe the genre of writing that intrigues me the most, it be would encapsulated under the theme of "real life." I like the people stories......the regular folk who all have a fascinating tale to share, whose originalities speak to me. I love trying to describe their daily struggles of growth and learning from my observational and interactive perspective. Sometimes I write about a human being whom I have met during my daily travels and who has touched me in some way. Other times, I write about the people who are closest to me. When I'm in the midst of writing a life story, I lose myself in the process. The words seem to lead me.

So, why did my creative tap finally start flowing? It was time. The desire to share the stories I had collected and finally reaching a point where my interest in spirituality returned fed me the words. Very quickly the process of writing began to stir my emotions, and my creative side. It has allowed me an opportunity to reflect and to focus on capturing what was on my mind.

The discipline is truly a spiritual one because it has taken me into wells inside me I had never acknowledged before. Once I realized that the word flow taught me how to unravel my observations, my feelings, and my thoughts in a manner that seemed to integrate them with who I am and how I became that, I was hooked.

Writing about life journeys feeds future journeys. It fills my cup of life with new perspectives and it empties my cup of life when I share it. When I drink it all in, I am able to acknowledge the tapestry that makes up original me.........the pain, the frustrations, the celebrations, the joy and the sorrows, and the many many blessings. Finding the words..........sharing the words.......sipping the wine from my cup and sharing my cup with you............taking the time to be silent and still in solitude as I write strengthens my faith.

Writing is teaching me how to pray.


The Harbour of Ourselves said...

like my good friend martin wroe suggests;
'it i snow later than when this sentence started
...and earlier than when it ends.
the sentence was full of it...
but it's not made of letters,
and you can never see it.'

....maybe that's what prayer looks like....maybe

The Harbour of Ourselves said...

oops, that should read it is now later, not snow

Queen Mel said...

I love your writing, it reels me in. My life story is being written as we speak.....on a daily basis, and yes it is the "reality that is my life".

I have since updated from yesterday, my link is on the page profile now too. You can copy and paste it. For whatever reason I can't get it to automatically link.

Michael K. Althouse said...

That's so IT. You're telling my story, Dana. I experienced all of that. You want to know a little secret? I still second guess myself - thinking, "Who would even want to read this crap?" Or worse, thinking it's crap myself. Then there are the times when I'm truly inspired and I feel like the words just flow from my fingertips.

Someone recently commented on how a writer doesn't think about spelling or grammar, but "sees" the words as they're supposed to be. I guess that's sort of how I write. The way it comes out is pretty close to the way it ends up.

Just as an aside...

I learned to talk to God through writing - I quite literally conversed with Him via the written word.


Jane said...

Hi! go on over to my blog. I've tagged you to write a list of 5 things that made you smile this week :))

Anna said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog...the homeschooling is going well. I have been plesantly surprised that it has been that way.

Your writing is beautiful and I am so glad that you have chosen to share it! Unfortunately I write the way I speak. Grammar has no place on a therapuetic blog for would be too much pressure!

Like Mike, I too have found writing a way to converse with is just straight from my heart...

paris parfait said...

Truly a beautiful post. Am so glad you're sharing your writing and your journeys!

awareness said...

Paul... your good friend Martin captured the flowing essence found in the solitary process of writing.......a meditative stillness where words and prayer are generated from. maybe.......

Hi Tay.....thank you...I'm glad you're writing your own life story. It's pretty cathartic on some days, isn't it? It sure beats pacing the floors trying to figure out a problem in your head at 4 in the morning :)

Hi Mike......Your secret is mine as well. In fact, most times I write something and have this hesitating moment where I wonder if its any good or just crap. It happened this morning while writing this........ even though it basically wrote itself (I had been thinking about it for a while and let it germinate) I still wondered.......hmmmmmmmmm .......

My aside? I definately get help from Him when I'm writing....

Carry on your conversations..... :)

Hi Jane.......well! my first EVER tag!! I will post something tonight or tomorrow......I have a few good smiles to share. Thank you.

Hi Anna. Thank you. I do love writing.... and I always enjoy your photos and posts. Take care.

Tara.....your comments mean a great deal to me as does your own beautiful writing. I love visiting your site.

kenju said...

"Once I realized that the word flow taught me how to unravel my observations, my feelings, and my thoughts in a manner that seemed to integrate them with who I am and how I became that, I was hooked."

I love that. Writing does that for me too. Using your God-given talents always results in fulfillment of promise.