sunwarmed juice of strawberries ripe
the smooth taste of deep red merlot
a hushed silence felt in comfort
the touch of our fingers entwined
an embrace on a lonely winter's night
a long lingering kiss goodnight
and three simple words expressed in the breath of a whisper....
I love you
clear away the clutter and you will see my cupped hands.
they hold the simplicity of an evening together.
they reach out for you.
lets pour that glass of wine
turn on some soft music
pull closer to the warm embers
and bask in its glow
on this stormy night of angry blowing snow.
Brought to you by Carmi's Thematic photo word of the week.....simple. I guess i'm a simple romantic trying to de-clutter. For more simple offerings, check out Carmi's Written Inc link on my sidebar. And may you find a few moments of shared simplicity for yourself this week.
May seem simple, but it really says a lot. The photos are wonderful!
i remember the seductiveness of the taste of strawberries - where you would bite and the juice was so fresh and intoxicating it would dribble down your chin... halcyon days.... or maybe it was watching a couple of old Mickey Rourke films last weekend - angelheart and that 9.5 weeks one that got me thinking about food and what it can lead to!!!!
You old romantic Dana. You're a girl after my own heart...I so long for some romance in my life and maybe even some horniness if it's not asking too much ;)
Don't we make life complicated!!
Beautiful photographs!
m2p...I love the mid week inspiration of Carmi's themes, and decided to post warm summer photos. It warmed me up while the snowstorm raged on outside. thanks.
paul...strawberries are intoxicatingly my favourite food in the whole world. i had the picture of Polanski's Tess in of the most innocently seductive shots captured on film I think. A couple of other visuals joined me as well meandering through my imagination.
Gypsy....oh no that's not asking for too is the sweet spot of simplicity. :)
Gilly....oh, yes we do! I think we are a bunch of nesters who surround ourselves with mind clutter, especially at this time of year. This has actually been a "theme" in many of my counselling sessions over the past week....the need to simplify living spaces, and head spaces and seek out what is important and life affirming.
LOVELY, my dear! Just lovely....You paint such a complete picture with your words...It is a joy to read and to see...!
And the pictures are BEAUTIFUL!
oh - so dreamy and perfect!
makes me yearn for fresh strawberries and the red stains it leaves on my grand children's chin.
I concur with make me long for that seductive romance you speak of... what are you doing to us bloggers out here!!!hehehehe!!:):) Kind of reminds me of my parent's marriage...all 52 years. Today my dad made a cute seductive joke to my mom while she was in her nightie! She tapes her hair down at night so it is in place in the morning! I know it's crazy but she did look like an old "indian". My dad said all she needed was a feather and no nightie and we can call her "Naked Barefoot Woman!!" ( or something like that. I was still half asleep!!) The point being he was still turned on by her...very sweet at 75 years old:):)Maybe I should buy them some strawberries and chocolate! hehehe! Ah simplicity!
Naomi...was going for the ambiance...:) thank you....a few of my fav photos. I have a whole collection of the wine glass shots which I have entitled "Tom's Hand" because it is Tom's hand... I took a bunch last summer sitting on the back deck of his house with friends. And I would like to turn them into greeting cards with absurd messages in them.... kind of like the bizarre things Jack Handey would say. Just an odd idea of mine.... we'll see where it goes.
Pamela...everyday I yearn for strawberries. could live on them.
Karyne...lovely story about your parents. :)
Simplicity teaches us how to unravel the complex. x
This was romantic simplicity at its best!
Niki...and by so doing takes us back to the wonder of simplicity. :)
Tabitha....I think so time to plan for some romance.
I needed this today, Dana. It's a heavy writing day, so the smallest inspirations seem to have the greatest impact. These should power me through day's end.
Looking forward to my next grocery store visit.
Carmi...there is a lovely glass of wine waiting for you at the end of the day. Write on, my friend! Write like the wind!!
you know, I think you spend as much time at the grocery store as i do! Springsteen just released a song about falling in love in the aisles....not that you're looking to fall in love, but its a damn fine song.
Your poem was wonderful. I am so there! Thanks for sharing.
So Dana - are these candle flames moving or is it just my old eyes? I sat watching for a while, it is as if they are just outside of focus and revealing another dimension.
mark...may you find some simplicity this weekend and may it make you smile, smile, smile.
david...they flicker as they focus us into a place where the air is much more thin. it's a lovely place. i love walking into a cathedral seeing the candles lit by individuals burning bright and flicking hope and despair wrapped in prayers. candles do that to me, no matter where they are sitting (these happen to be on my dining room table! ) they are mesmerizing and meditative....and produce the atmosphere so conducive to travelling lightly into a thinness where we have the right frame of mind to touch God.
just have to keep focused on the unfocused.
good to see you again my friend. i hope the book is coming along. i think of you often.
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