Thursday, September 18, 2008

soulthirsty snogging

"Rather than positioning sexuality and spirituality against each other as rivals, I see them as deeply related. The more I observe society's obsession with sexuality, the more I sense in it a thirst for transcendence.......

.......When a society so completely blocks the human thirst for transcendence, should we be surprised that such longings reroute themselves into an expression of mere physicality? Maybe the problem is not that people are getting naked, but that they aren't getting naked enough.....we stop at the skin instead of going deeper into the soul....."

Philip Yancey, Finding God in Unexpected Places

I read this tonight, and was reminded of a few recent conversations I have had which have reached a similar conclusion. Sexuality and spirituality co-exist as a means to alleviate loneliness and fulfill our inherent desire to love and be loved. Neither physical nor spiritual union can be suppressed for the other to take precendence and a human being can still feel whole......or can it? Is it possible to quench the thirst for both types of intimacy through one means? Potential topic for good wine sipping pondering perhaps?


Bar L. said...


Theresa said...

When I fed my sexuality, I never quite could get enough, in fact I was left even more empty, as if it were a bottomless pit. However I am finding out that the more I feed my spirituality, the more I seek but I am filled. I seek for the mere pleasure of giving back to others, not for my own self gratification. I have never felt more whole, more complete or more satisfied.

I believe now, when the time is right with the right person persuing my sexuality with my spirituality in line, will bring the completeness God intended for us to experiance.

Rainbow dreams said...

Good wine sipping while getting naked??? not a bad combination :)

Haven't heard the term snogging used for ages... reminds me of great parties...and the stories the day after.. sorry am off on a tangent

though I am certain snogging has been the first step to many a good relationship...

pondering more seriously.. perhaps it is possible, but not sure we should have to forfeit - am sure something would get lost in it somewhere.. I think they are interlinked

awareness said...

layla....uhuh. :)

Ann....beautifully written. I think that is the crux of what Yancey was espousing. Spiritual fulfillment is what motivates our behaviour because it is where a holistic sense of satisfaction happens.

Katie....I think what Yancey is saying is that our sexual intimacy is all the more enhanced if we are willing and able to take it to a deeper spiritual level in order to quench our thirst for transcendence.
His argument was that many religions teach that sex is sinful, and has nothing to do with our spiritual journey. I'm sure this particular article was received with raised eyebrows in the Christian community. It would be interesting to talk to him about the feedback he received.

Did you see him at Greenbelt? I would LOVE to have heard him speak.

swilek said...

i was going to comment but you ladies have said it all so eloquently! A great post...I would love to hear Philip Yancey speak. He is so right on...I grew up in a baptist church, basically fundamental but they wouldn't call themselves that-"evangelical". and i have always felt the "evangelicals" have misled us in regards to sexuality and many of my friends as teenagers ( and adults) were sooo repressed sexually and thus jumped into marriage quickly to satisfy those "sinful" desires. i hope i'm making is late and i feel i am babbling...wish we could all go for coffee and would be interesting:) God never intended it to be just about the is like you write, it is intended for "soulthirsty snogging:)"

awareness said...

Karyne....i will attempt to comment again....BLOGGER is being a bugger these days and I keep losing my comments even on my own blog!! geesh.

I am really glad you left some of your thoughts here. it was what i was thinking of when i read Yancey's piece on sexuality. I have read many testimonials and questions pertaining to sexuality and intimacy on other blogs and have felt the guilt underlying their words. The fundamentalist church has heaped it on people to a point where there is so much guilt and shame in the act of sexual expression. I find it a bit mind numbing really. It wasn't something I had put much thought into prior to blogging....

Intimacy is our most deepest form of expression......vulnerable, trusting, loving..........and FUN.....and truly a naturally spiritual path to self awakening.

How can this be a bad thing??

thanks for sharing your thoughts.
