Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Risky Business

When was the last time you took a risk? I'm not just referring to a hang-gliding, bungee jumping, mountain climbing activity, though some risks may feel that way. I'm wondering about the risks one takes stepping outside of your everyday routine, when you push the boundaries to do something that makes you a bit nervous..............something that alters your adrenaline and wakes you up?

Risk taking is living an examined life. It is the medicine needed to fight off that nasty apathy virus that leads to feeling a sense of depressed inertia. Stretching your limits allows you to feel, to learn and to grow......... three dimensionally.

Last week, my 12 year old daughter took a step outside of her safety net when she auditioned for a theatre group. It was of her own initiative, culminating from her interest in acting. As we sat waiting her turn to stand in front of a group of adults to perform her monologue, she struggled with her nerves as she tried to maintain her confidence that she could do it. But, when her name was called, she composed herself, found her poise, went into the auditorium all by herself and nailed it. She's still waiting to hear if she made the troupe. She took a big risk.

A risk involves some has to know one's talents and understand that any risk can land you flat on your face, see that pushing the limits can open up new opportunities. The most difficult part of taking any risk is making the first decision, the first step towards the goal. It comes down to understanding that you are as powerful as you allow yourself to be. You can handle the mishaps as well as the successes. Aplomb. We garner confidence by weighing the odds of success and failure, by looking at our approach from several angles, by positive thinking and self-talk and by surrounding ourselves with supportive people in our lives. Though we may take a risk on our own, it's the foundation of faith, family and friends that spur us on. We are never alone.

So............. what's you next personal test? What have you been putting off, but deep down are dying to try?

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did so.

So throw off the bowlines.

Sail away from the safe harbor.

Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain


X said...

There are two risks I have been contimplating will lead to the other. I gave myself a deadline for it will give me some time to prepare financially. It will pay off, if not in the most direct sense, then it will definately help me grow as a person!

I think everyone should take risks. Even the skydiving kind :)

awareness said...

Hey there Left....... financially? hmmmmmmm? Travel? Do I smell a backpack and rail pass?

Welcome Maz2.........yes, my examined life was lifted from The Apology...that's what I was thinking of when I wrote that line. Welcome to my blog. Glad you found me!