Monday, January 01, 2007

a small beacon of light

In the darkness
a small lit lantern held high on a hill
by one human being
glowing warmth
swaying slowly
diffused light
reaching points beyond the crest
beyond the human being who holds the lantern
touching us, this beacon of light.

We are drawn to light, especially when we feel lost in some wintery darkness shrouded with doubt. Always in search of it's calming velvety rays to lead us to some sort of serenity and peace of mind..................some guidance and leadership to provide answers.

We wait in anticipation
the light will reach us
someone has the answer
someone can take the doubt and pain away

Wake up a smell the coffee. Then go out and buy some kerosene, clean the glass globe and light the wick. Time to diffuse some light. Time to be a beacon. If we are to live like "God is one of us" we have to learn to all be small beacons of light....for ourselves to find our own way and for others who don't have fuel.

  • 600 million +++ children live in poverty........some live down the street from you.
  • Countless people are homeless around the world and in our you know any of them by name?
  • Child labour still runs rampant in many parts of the world.

We can't simply rely on the identified leaders of our day.......the ones we hear in the 15 second sound bites on the National rectify all of the issues while we sit on the sidelines uninvolved, carping about their ineffectiveness. Just like we can't wait for someone to come forward with illumination for our own personal demons. We must become more active. We must shed the apathy doers.

As I look forward towards this new year, I find myself overwhelmed by the obvious doom and gloom of our planet, so much so that it temporarily paralyzes me................where to start the triage? It's mind boggling to think of all the issues of the day. So, I try to use the lantern as a symbol of how I can be a part of a solution. I can start with the people around me. I can start in my community. I can encourage others to light their broaden the spectrum of light. It's the only way.

The generosity during the Christmas season is amazing.................what about when February rolls around? What then? People still live in poverty. People still line up a soup kitchens and shelters or go hungry and cold all over the February.

So...................what can we do? Volunteer an hour of our time a week at a soup kitchen. Get involved in the next election. Sign up to teach an adult how to read. Go sit with a senior citizen without familial support in the hospital. Stop and talk with a'll be amazed what you learn. Contact the YMCA, Transition House, Group home, literacy centre, Boys and Girls Club....................and let them know you have a light you want to shine. Join Amnesty International, Sponsor a child through World Vision or any number of Aid organizations. The possibilities are ripe and endless.........................and empowering and life enhancing............

In the darkness
a small lit lantern held high on a hill
by one human being
glowing warmth
swaying slowly
diffused light
reaching points beyond the crest
beyond the human being who holds the lantern
touching us, this beacon of light.
The human being is YOU.
The human being is ME.

This is my goal this be more the solutions. Race you to the top of the hill!

On your mark, get set..................................GO!


JP (mom) said...

Shine, baby, shine.

I agree with you about charity ... my agency feels this as well, many give at the holidays, but few give year-round. Let's all commit to being part of the solution throughout the year.

Much peace,

awareness said...

this little light of mine........i'm gonna let it shine...........

no one is too busy to lend a hand.