Sunday, February 05, 2006

Introducing.........a Prophet.

The world seems to be going beserk. It's not a great week or season to be a Dane, or a Norwegian, or a European editorial cartoonist. You wouldn't want to be a diplomat working in a Scandinavian embassy these days. But, more importantly, you wouldn't want to be a peaceful individual who practises the Islamic faith living amongst your hot headed, emotionally vicious Islamic terrorist cousin.

The recent bombings, violence clashes, fire settings, and downright scary protests that seem to becoming commonplace throughout the world this weekend over the cartoon editorials that were published 5 months ago in a Danish newspaper show no signs of stopping. The spread of hatred has flashed so's like this one little spark in Denmark has been doused with all the oil from the Middle East oil fields.

Where's Red Adair when you need him?

Since 9/11 Muslims have been desparately trying to control the spread of mistrust pointed at them. The acts of hatred and retribution pointed mostly at Danish embassies and other countries who have supported free of the press by publishing the editorial cartoons, are quickly fanning the feelings of doubt and mistrust of Westerners and Christians.
And why not? Who do you believe? Who do you trust? When is this going to stop? No place is safe, really. Open your mouth, and you're a bigot and a target. When is the violence going to cross over the Atlantic? Why are the protestors obviously targetting English language media to get their point across?
Will this close immigration doors? Just wait. It's bound to happen, especially in Europe. Safety and security are up for ransom...........or maybe it's even too late. Maybe the terrorists are so assimilated into Western society. I fear this may be a spark that can't be put out.

All over a piece of satire. Irony playing out as irony. An over the top reaction to a cartoon picture of the Prophet Mohammed.

Where is this headed? Nowhere good. I believe it's somewhere closer to our borders. Unbelievable. I don't even want to think about it.

"He had a pleasant face that was round, white, and fair. His hair fell to his ear lobes. His beard was thick and black. When he was pleased, his face would light up. His laugh was no more than smiling. His eyes were blackish, and his eyelashes were long. His long eyebrows curved and connected to each other. When the eyes of Abdullah ibn Salam, the chief rabbi of Medina, fell on his face, he declared that such a noble face could not be the face of a liar!"Jabir ibn Samura

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