Saturday, September 22, 2007

Please allow me to introduce myself........

Hi, my name is Discomfort.

I dwell in the dark night of your soul where ache and yearning cuss and moan. I'm not well liked. In fact most people avoid me until they have no choice by to arrive at my doorstep. Most of my visitors begin their journey around twilight, when hope intermingles with doubt. I'm predominantly nocturnal, absorbing light and all colours to form my black cloak. But behind the cloak, I'm your naked image, vulnerable to the cold winds of reality. No, I'm not a pretty sight...with birthing stretch marks displaying the struggles I have faced. But, if you stay awhile, you will see my inner beauty. You will know that I'm on your side.

My name is Discomfort.

Dizzying Discomfort............I spring forth with fumes of light headed enlightenment, even if it's not wanted. I have the ability to burrow under your skin, or to tap, tap, tap on your conscience. I will nestle into the pit of your stomach and make you long for that zone where my nemesis comfort dwells. But who wants to go there?

If you stay hang with me, I will offer you awareness, insight............a place to make decisions. I will take away your yearning, at least for a little while. I will help you find the compass to guide your way through the transitional twilight, out of the bear growling wilderness and into a pasture where sunrises express hopeful glory.

My name is Discomfort.

I may absorb light..........stay hidden in the haunting shadows of despair and doubt, but believe it or not I also hold your dreams until you're ready to take a risk. The journey to my dwelling may be fraught with confusion, aversion and dislocation............but I will make it worth your while. Why? Because I am where all learning takes place. I am where you will find the fountain to your own personal growth. Let me give you a gift of awareness.

Trust me............please?

This is my contribution to Sunday Scribblings.........the prompt this week is "Hi, My name is....." For more interesting interpretations, check out their site.


Unknown said...

Haunting. Visceral. Wonderful. Gripping. Brilliant.


-- MissMeliss

Cherie said...

Ooo Waaaa, scarey, deep, I sort of get it, but I really don't want to! Food for thought, likewise, from you to me ... Virgo's Mmmmm??

Crafty Green Poet said...

very insightful

gautami tripathy said...

Thinking post, as always. You always do it differently.

awareness said...

Melissa....thank you! It's always easier to write about something when you're right in the middle of it. I look forward to figuring out the lessons in the land of discomfort! :)

Tara.....when I read your take on the prompt....aspersions......I couldn't help but think our pieces this week compliment one another.

Hey Redness.....yes it can be very scary. But, I do believe we're not alone when we are feeling the most discomfort because I have this sneaky suspicion that God may be hanging out there too...perhaps nestled in the silent shadows.
btw....Virgos ROCK! They are also a bit nutty.

CGP....thanks. It came from being there more often than not.

Gautami....I do seem to do things differently don't I? I wonder why? Sometimes this is a good thing and sometimes it get me into DEEP when i'm perceived as being DIFFICULT!

harmonyinline said...

I agree scary, but beautifully done

J Pearson said...

A lovely piece of writing. I will benefit from reading a few times (it's familiar to me but I don't want to hear it). Why do we expect things to happen as if it were our birthday?
Keep up the good work and I will keep you in my prayers. David...

awareness said...

harmony...yes it truly is scary, but needed in order to learn and grow too. when we are too comfortable, we suffer from inertia.

Brother David. I think we have been programmed to believe in a sense of entitlement where we are going to be protected and provided for without the struggle and hassle of life's twists and turns. Quite honestly, the piece wrote itself....had a few words in mind, but tried to simply describe the churning going on inside right now.
Thank you, David for your prayers. I feel more strength knowing this. I really do.

Karen said...

I am in awe of your ability to get right to the deepest place of our psyche. You are an absolute wonder Dana. I will read this again and again.

Tumblewords: said...

Discomfort. The prickly scratch of truth. The dark before the storm. The storm. Your writing is superb! Mystical, magical and gutsy.

awareness said...

Gypsy...thank you so much. It definately came from feeling it during the moment I wrote it. When that happens, it feels like I'm the vessel.......the words flow through me very quickly. I love it when I can capture them.

tumblewords. wow, thank you. I love the prickly scratch of truth....great line. I find the storm provides insightful gifts.

Matthew said...

Wonderful that you recognize the catalyst of discomfort. I think that it is such a great motivator and can lead in directions both up and down. Looking back I believe that I started and stopped drinking because of high levels of discomfort.

Wow, thanks!

awareness said...

Discomfort does offer us another view of our actions and behaviour doesnt it? Like learning you have high blood pressure one day for example......just that new knowledge and the pending discomfort and fear can be the catalyst for change .......from a sedentary life to a more healthy and active one.

it was a fun piece to write!