The perfume of sandalwood,
the scent of the bay leaf and jasmine,
travel only as far as the wind.
But the fragrance of goodness travels
with us through all the worlds.
Like garlands woven from flowers,
fashion your life as a garland of
beautiful deeds.
How do you help someone understand the importance of showing care to others of being receptive to other's uniqueness and the gifts they have to offer to this world when we live in a world motivatedly driven by the almighty competitive dollar? Or do they simply have to figure it out for themselves?
In my experience, the only way to show is to do. Leading by example seems futile at times, but it is the only means that has any lasting effect, in my humble opinion.
Good morning Dana!
I think there are old souls and new souls. Old Souls get it. New Souls? Well..... they are often on a different path.
Good afternoon Mike! good to see your smiling face.....I think you're's all in the leading. I was talking to someone today about social learning theory and how much of what we learn and much of what we believe in comes from the modelling (or lack thereof) we have during our formative years.....well maybe not just our formative years....well maybe our formative years encompass our lives if we truly believe in lifelong learning.... how we react or respond to others and their action/reaction response is observed and absorbed by anyone paying attention.
anon boxer.....LOVE what you write here AND on your blog (I can't leave a comment there so will tell you here....your writing is very heartfelt.) Of course it's the previous learning and old soul makes such sense given whom I quoted. Thanks for that.
Well for me if you show your love and appreciation you would to it to be shown to you. In my experience it has worked most times but other times some people just dont have that apprecittion in life at all which is really sad for them.
Well....What would Buddha do?
I love this post.
What a thought to ponder.
Show by example is my gut reaction if I had to offer and answer, but I am pretty sure there isn't just one...
I know that I cannot speak for others but for me (in my life) the answer is pretty clear...
"By this shall all men know that you are my disciples - if you have love one for another" The Gospel According to St. John - Chapter 13, verse 35.
It is a challenge, a command, a discipline and a reality for those that follow the teachings of the New Testament.
...oh - and I agree that love, care and concern for others is usually instilled in children early and it is usually little surprise when we see it manifested later in life.
dana once again you show why your moniker is so apropos keenly aware of so many things you are set by example seems to be prevailing wisdom helps to know that grace is extended always when failures to act graciusly happen as they at times will inevitably occur hope your sleeping well friend!!!
I wish I knew, Dana. I wish I could somehow get the children I teach to realise that (and I do try to lead by example) and I wish, I so wish, I could get some people in the so-called caring professions to realise it too.
Great post.
i agre with mike - though i like what the boxer has said about old and new it a lot.
ps, pip says hi is sad that some don't appreciate life as abundantly as one's like their spectrum has been narrowed.
I just thought of an encounter I had yesterday, as I was being dropped off at work that seems to fit with your point (or it does in my morning thinking......, a man who obviously was down on his luck approached the car looking for money. He stated that he had lost his bank card and needed bus money to get up to the university...he professed being embarrassed about his situation and "felt like a homeless person" asking for money.
He was very polite and despite the fact that he looked me straight in the eye as he spoke, many observations told me he was lying about his situation. He reeked of mouthwash (how desperate is that to resort to getting drunk by drinking mouthwash?) and he was dishevelled enough for me to know he had slept in his clothes....
As I was digging in my wallet for change he spoke of how embarrassed he was again......and as I gave him some money I said to him....
"when you can, you can pay it forward and help someone else who needs help. I hope that if I got stuck without money, someone would help me.....maybe it will be me you'll help one day."
OMG!! the look on his face made my morning.........big smiles, and dignity behind it.....and he said he would most definately do that!
B Mom........Buddha on the world? Spread love? Good question....
Tori....I agree....and not be concerned if anyone's paying attention.....just do what feels right?
Daisy in the House... or should I write Daisy House?? :) I completely agree with is a discipline we should all strive for....spreading love through respect and interactions and acknowledgement of others....
robert...thank you. My blog title/theme was suggested to me by a friend. It has been very helpful because it does provide some direction to the type of stuff I try to write about. I'm grateful to him for suggesting it when I was just getting started here. must be one of the biggest challenges of a try to pass this onto students....particularly the ones who have never learned this at home. At my daughter's middle school, they have a whole program about helping the kids integrate more fully as members of the community. In the fall, for example, groups of kids go out in the neighbourhood where the school is located and rake the yards of the seniors who are living on their own and need some help. Many examples of these activities have fed their thinking. I think it has been fabulous for them....and i know it has definately generated more open thinking of others in my daughter and her friends....'re most definately an old soul. thank you for the message from pipgem (another beautiful old soul).....what a wonderful way to start the morning...
I agree on leading by example, though sometimes I think it's not till much later that people understand - and then as I write this I'm thinking that that sounds as if I do ...
I also think that we all need reminders of how powerful showing care, and appreciating each other can be - it's an easy slide into selfishness and money is a barrier to so much, and what sounds so easy to do actually isn't always that simple for various reasons.
Hi Katie.....I wonder if many really would like to but don't know how ... that perhaps some feel if they need to make a grandiose gesture instead of many little ones. A colleague is organizing a "fancy hat tea party" with some summer students for a community of seniors who live in public housing. She sent an email out to the whole office and to her personal contacts (as she does regularly which is great) requesting hats....fancy hats, hats for men and women....hats with flowers and fun stuff on them. Within a couple of days, the hats came pouring in from all over......she now has more hats than she needs!! This happens all the time......some people just need to be asked and they will step up to the plate. AND it always make them feel good about it.
I should finish this colleague has kept everyone up to date on the planning of the garden party....and has given feedback to all. The students are working with the seniors so that they are a part of the planning. Everyone has been all are included in the process. It's an interactive and inclusive show of community.
She is an inspiration....and I love working with her...her energy is infectious.
If only people realised that to give of yourself brings just as much pleasure to the giver as it does to the receiver.
I wrote a post on my old blog about smiling at strangers. Sometimes that is all it takes to turn someone's day around and who knows, maybe they will give a smile to someone else thus spreading the good vibes. More often its the little thoughtful gestures that evoke the most pleasure.
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