As a human being, I want to continue to strive for..........
Equality and respect which produces a level playing field both in the home and in the world of work
where choices and options are offered to both sexes both in the home and in the world of work
where working together to seek consensus and understanding of differences as well as commonalities is seen as a good thing
where there is celebration of sexuality and the beautiful differences of the sexes are acknowledged
where women stop dispensing judgement on the choices other women have made with respect to being MOM
where men stop dispensing judgement on the choices women have made with respect to being MOM
where men and women understand the value of providing support and encouragement for individual human beings to be the best they can be
where justification of one's choices doesn't have to be accompanied by radical (right wing or left wing ) political or religious pontifications in order to turn into into an illusionary battle cry.
where the very idea of feminism isn't mired in angry finger pointing
where the "old boys network" feels comfortable enough with their masculinity to keep an eye out for the girls every now and then
where women in the workplace learn to trust one another, to support one another and to applaud the success of a colleague rather than resort to undermining cattiness and gossip
where trust abounds
where women who choose to have a career outside of the home respect the choices of the women who decide to stay at home as their career AND visa versa.
where pink isn't a political statement
where toys aren't a political statement
where love is dispensed to our children by all adults irregardless of sex.
where masculinity isn't defined by skewed interpretations of the Bible
where feminity isn't defined by skewed interpretations of the Bible
where our understanding of the Body of Christ and the roles we play are considered equal in the eyes of God.
As a human being who is a feminist, I want to live in a world..........
where equality......... is associated with balance, respect, and individualism
where everyone can find happiness in the choices they make in how they decide to live their lives.
The unspoken and spoken critical judgement on both sides has to stop.
Very well said! I think one of the saddest commentaries about women today is how there is such a barrier and even a hatred in some cases, between women who choose to stay home with their children and women who choose to have a career.
I am going to keep this post. Thanks for writing it.
Amen, Sistah.
Layla....your point is actually why I wrote it. The idea came from a discussion I had with my husband the other night about the fact that women often feel the need to justify their choices about work and home which reveals a sad sense of misunderstanding and judgementalism on both sides. I am also VERY concerned that the term "feminist" has been brutally struck down when it I wish it was a term we all used to describe ourselves....male or female.
anon and tara.....amen back at ya.
ps. I spoke to my blogger buddy and colleague Mad Mac....who read this post as well....he suggested I should've called the post "my vagina monoblog" which would've been a much better title. :)
If this is the intro I look forward to the rest :)
Struck a cord with me especially given some of the reaction I'm getting lately since I stopped work last week...
Hi Katie.....don't know where i would head after this intro...perhaps to express what i love about being a woman.
I can imagine the reactions you are getting....and how unfair that you have to give any response or justification for your decisions. Why anyone would think that they have the right to even ask (in that judgemental tone...I have heard it myself) ..... or make any assumptions that you haven't put a lot of time and thought into what is best for you.....
what's most important is to remember how you felt when you reached you own decision..... :) right?
All so very true....I read this shaking my head up and down at each one of those...why is it men look us differently and then we as women look at each one differently as well, my god what about that "sisterhood" that is spoke of? Where is that?
The office politics and cattiness is terrible. Luckily I'm currently in an office that doesn't have it.
Wouldn't it be something if even half of these wishes came true.....
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