Thursday, July 26, 2007

don't let it pass you by............

The sky is the daily bread of the eyes
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don't fill my head with the logic and science behind the phenomenon.
Let me bask in it's glow.
Let me shake my head in wonder.
Let me sit quietly and take it all in with my own senses.
Let me accept it as a miracle of life.

Tell me about the myths.
Share a bit of folklore.
Talk with me about mystery
The mystery of it's very existance.
And you will fuel my belief in God

A bright blue sky as far as the eye can see
A perfectly spun web covered in morning drops
A 12 foot high sunflower which started from a seed I held in my hand

Flickering stars on a summer night blending into one another
the milky way as far as your imagination can take you
Fork Lightening filling the sky with it's wrath
Cotton soft cumulus clouds floating in the wind

Cascading waterfalls
Autumn colours
A glowing orange harvest moon rising above the river

An intricately designed beaver dam
Robin's egg blue
A perfectly arching rainbow slipping through a cloud
A hummingbird stopping to sip the sugary sweet from the feeder

Midnight blue

An intricate snowflake
A busy little ant carrying a crumb larger than it's own body
Tides rolling in and out every single day

WE don't need to search for a natural phenomenon. They grace our personal worlds everyday. We are usually too busy or preoccupied to acknowledge them. But they are there, for us to receive in recognize how fortunate we are to play a part. We are the scribes who have the capacity to record and to rejoice in their creation. We are the lucky ones.

This morning as I sat outside on my back deck to quietly drink my tea, I watched a "flurious" hummingbird zippity by towards the feeder hanging on the eaves next door. It zoomed in close enough to dip it's beek into the shallow dish for a taste. It was so out........always fluriously fluttering it's tiny blurry looking wings. Phenomenal.

Tonight, I headed down to the river and then up to Springhill Road near my home to enjoy the show....... and as I took a few photos of the sun spreading the last of it's light onto the water, a thought struck me. When we awaken to the realization that we are sensing a phenomenon, our voices turn to whisper. It's like if we acknowledge it too loudly, we'll scare it away.

The "phenomenal" prompt is courtesy of Sunday Scribblings..........a wee bit early. Check out their site for more phenomenal posts.

Now, it's your turn.........have you seen or heard or felt or experienced a phenomenon lately?


Sara said...

Hi, Oh, how wonderful that you live where you do. I do live in New England, New Hampshire to be exact. I moved here from Florida (after 50 years) and a few years in Tennessee.

I loved the poetry toda - and your thoughts on those things around us.

I feel so fortunate to live where I do and experience the beauty all around me each and every day!

Have a wonderful week-end...oh, and BTW, Hello, Michele sent me...

Shephard said...

I've always connected with Emerson's quotes. Matches this photo quite well. Very nice post.

I watch the hummingbirds daily... never get tired of it.

Michele says hello!

Shaz said...

I think every day the sun comes up is a good day.
Rainbows, love them and I even try to do it each day with the hose as we water the vege garden.
Watching plants grow my children grow and the phases of the moon LoVe It AlL xx

BreadBox said...

Certainly I've experienced the phenomenon of awe at the photographs you post.... dang, but I want to move back to the maritimes!


kenju said...

Beautiful photos! I love the reflection of light on water, be they natural lights or man-made.

"We are usually too busy or preoccupied to acknowledge them. But they are there, for us to receive in awe..."

I try to watch something in nature everyday, whether it is dragonflies, birds or caterpillars. I think it is a form of prayer.

awareness said...

hi sara and shephard welcome from Micheles.....enjoy your weekends.

hey Shaz....good list...very much like my own. Last night, the moon was almost full and it was visible in the light sky. Are the phases of the moon I see the same as the phases of moon you see? I honestly don't know...

breadbox....thanks! I must say thought that the camera is miraculous...and the landscape always provides. I will roll out the red carpet if you do move back here.

Judy....thank you. Reading your comment about prayer...I was thinking along the same lines. maybe our voices turn to whisper when we acknowledge the beauty because it is a form of prayer. it's a nice thought. :)

nonizamboni said...

What a thoughtful list of phenomenal beauty. I use some of the same reminders as the daily undergirding for my soul. Bird song usually does it for me. And the array of color in our world. Thanks for the reminder!

paisley said...

that was so lovely,, and not a moment too soon,, as i see the fog is indeed beginning to burn off,, and i have a beautiful day ahead of me....

carmilevy said...

Beautiful sentiment and photos here. I so relate to the spirit of this entry.

I rode my bike into farmland earlier this week. At the turnaround point - some 15km from the edge of town - I rested my bike along the side of the road and sat down under a large maple tree. I stared out at landscapes that looked like they had been painted, lit by a late evening sky tinged with orange and salmon.

I didn't take any photos...I just wanted to remember it in my mind. I'll bring my camera back on a future ride. You've just inspired me to do so.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely response to the prompt. i think its so important to notice the small things in nature (and the big things as well of course!). At this time of year I love watching the swifts flying about our street, they're only here for a couple of months and they never leave the sky except to nest.

Giggles said...

The pure essence of WHY we MUST preserve it! All this perfection in our midst and still people continue on searching…what are they thinking! Profound poetry and perspective!! Well done, an inspiration!

Peace Giggles

Kamsin said...

Phenomenal post! We do live in an amazing world, yet so often we (or at least I do) forget to feast on its many glorious sights too busy caught up in daily life.

gautami tripathy said...

Refreshingly beautiful take. An absolute delight.

Paul said...

Great photos and very moving poetry.

Regina said...

Just beautiful- your words and the photos. Life is a phenomenon, isn't it? It takes these tiny things to make us aware of just how phenomenal it is!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like we have exactly the same idea what phenomenons are all about. We are on the same page.

Patois42 said...

A marvelous take on the prompt. I enjoyed the poem and the other words as well. Please note that I am whispering as I type this.

Matthew said...

Beautiful post and a beautiful picture. I could feel my mind still as I read your words and I give to you the phenomenon that came to my attention. A lone cricket in the humid night legs a-rubbing looking for that one beyond the grasses.