Bad hair days are scary because they tend to lead to rash decisions especially when you're trying to grow your hair out and you've hit a snaggy period when nothing seems to feel right with the moptop. I feel like I've had a bad hair week, which thank God doesn't happen very often, but it seems to be happening more than it used to. You see, my hair seems to be changing and I don't like it one bit.
I grew up without a ripple or curl in my hair. Thick, dark brown with red highlights which shone through especially if I was out in the sun, I took it for granted. I always had positive comments about the healthiness of my mane even though I could get away with using a cheap brand of shampoo. Never one to be settled with one type of style for too long, I was always changing it's shape and length. Some of the cuts I've had in the past were hideous but it didn't bother me then. Since it grew like a weed, my ongoing preferences for short vs. long hair was doable. I could have it cut really short only to have it long enough to pull back within a year. It still grows fast, but all of a sudden, there is a wave to it. AND the dark brown? It's slipping away. And the shine? It doesn't seem to have the sheen it once had. It feels different too.....
And it's all part and parcel of aging. It goes along with the other gravity winning sags one has to contend with. Oh, and those lines that all of a sudden have turned up on around my eyes? This week, when I was looking in the mirror, I realized that my eyelids for God's sake seemed stretchier or something. What is that all about? Are they one day going to droop down over my eyes so I look like some Basset Hound? OH yes, oh yes......all the notches of living begin to accumulate to alter your appearance.
As much as I want perky some extent, it ain't gonna happen.......except with my hair. I can do something about that right away.
Hair has always been the most profound ornamental statement. It speaks expressively of our personalities, of how we feel about ourselves, of how we feel politically. Hairstyles shout attitude, perspective, individuality............emotions. Colour, length, straight, out of control curly....pulled back, hanging down, shaved off.........all effect impressions left with others. But more than anything, for me? If my hair is doing it's thing? It affects the walk in my step, and the way I feel both inside and out.
This week, I have been wondering what I would look like with short blonde hair. I've also wondered how I would look if I grew my hair out again so I could twist it and braid it and throw it up in a messy bun like I used I too old for that style? Two extremes really, which indicates to me that I'm still trying to grapple with the changes my hair is going through, with the changes my body is going through. Best wrestle with this a bit longer before I march into the hair salon and do something completely kooky.
"You look marvellous, I must say"
for more hairy thoughts........follow the link to Sunday Scribblings.
Enjoyed the read... here's a thought -- wigs! ;)
Oh, I understand completely. A few weeks ago, after a LONG stretch of bad-hair-days, I actually considered wigs. Then decided I really just need highlights.
Bad hair days do pull us down. I feel so listless then!
Aging sucks. It really does. My skin is holding up ok an my face, but the rest of me is getting little spots and marks and bumps. My hair has always been my "crowning glory" too but unlike you I am not adventurous at all. Long, straight, blond. My friends try to tell me to cut it because I am too old for it, but they also enviously tell me how healthy and pretty it is. So I err on the side of doing nothing.
Good post, now you have me thinking...maybe a new hairstyle is just what I need....
I agree bad hair days suck totally... and it affects mood drastically...
I've tried mine all ways too though I could never have what I really wanted - long tight ringletty hair... and now I quite like the idea of dreadlocks - though that wouldn't happen either!
I find a trip to the salon can give me the extra zing I need...
and too old??? you never know if you're too old for something until you try it and see...:)
I enjoyed the post. Hair does say a lot about a person and also indicates the inevitable aging. Perhaps a pink dye ala Laini :-)?
Every day of my life is a bad hair day, so I don't think I'm much qualified to discuss the matter. My baseball caps are my best friend. Worn backwards to facilitate photographic composition, of course.
Funny you included the Ed Grimley pic (great Canadian choice, eh!) When we have bathtime, I often pile the kids' hair waaaay up high as we shampoo it. We talk about Ed Grimley as I do this, and I do my little impression - complete with dance - and they laugh hysterically. I don't think they've ever seen an Ed Grimley sketch, but my impression seems to be enough. Thanks for bringing it all back. Good hair or bad hair, it's a precious touchstone of life.
Another great Canadian, Michele, sent me tonight. I hope you'll pop by for this week's Caption This. I think you'll get a kick out of it.
Rob and hair has a high freedom need. It would feel claustrophic under a wig. :) is amazing how much influence our hair (or lack thereof) can impact how we are feeling about ourselves....
layla....I hear you....bumps,and marks...yup.....let me know if you decided to change your hairstyle...that would be a very hard decision given that you have always had your hair long.
katie....dreadlocks? Good on ya. Let me know if you decide to pursue this..
matthew what a brave woman that Laini is! I couldn't go that drastic.....
Carmi ... ballcaps are a great fashion father still picks up new baseball caps for me whenever he goes to a spring training game in Fla.....though I rarely wear one now I have a whole collection (which I share with my son) of Cincinnati Reds was my team growing up :)
Ed Grimley hairdos in the bath...must be a Canadian tradition, I must say.....he always makes me laugh...
Thanks Tara.....will continue to ponder my next hair style for a bit. It's funny though......I think I was more daring with my hair than I am now.....will have to rectify this :)
Interesting post, I think you're never too old to have hair long enough for a bun, its just that people somehow think you're supposed to cut your hair asyou get older. Not if you don't want to!!!
hahaha, this is lots of fun. sometimes i dream about shaving my head to escape the bother...
When I was a child I had straight hair but it went curly when I hit puberty. So I kind of wonder if it'll go straight again as I get older?! Anyway, I'm always aware the extent to which I wear my hair is a reflection of how I feel about myself and the world at any given moment. It may be a cliche, but extreme changes in style have always meant, there has been, or I've wanted there to have been, a big change in my life.
Oh dear God, do anything but that to your hair.
Fun read!'re so right.
Kate...welcome! i've never had that urge but I have had my hair really really short in the past. I think that's probably as far as I would go.....
Kamsin....many changes in hair and clothing styles have indicated the same for me now that I think about it. hmmmmm.......wonder what's in store for me? Wonder why i'm wrestling with the hair thang.....? must look into the reason behind the need for a to navel gaze....thank you....
patois....only aim for that style a la Ed Grimley when I've got a head of shampoo!! No worries....only on Halloween...
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