Monday, January 15, 2007

who am i when no one's looking?


Michael K. Althouse said...

I never used to know, but I think I have a pretty good idea today. That doesn't mean I can describe it in the space or time available here - it might make a good book though!


BTW: Check out my recent post on Been Some Places, Seen Some Things.

Shaz said...

Very Clever :)

JP (mom) said...

What a good question (is someone feeling a bit existential today?)

I suppose we all adjust to a degree depending on our audience, but I believe the essence of who we are remains the same.

Much peace & love, JP said...

Hi. Just dropped by after you visited my blog. Cheers.

awareness said...

Hi would make a good book. It's definately a great title for a self-reflective book.

shaz........yes, I saw the question written down and thought.....hmmmm......that's thought provoking.

Hey Deb.....existential....always!
I think the essence is stronger when we are alone and more vulnerable. We stop flexing our muscles don't we?

welcome gabrielle.

Giggles said...

Excellent question....probably a lot more boring when I'm alone. I worry about becoming this artistic recluse...and loving it!

Peace and giggles

Bar L. said...

well, to be honest, What you see is what you get - the good, the bad and the ugly.

I can adapt appropriately in different situations (i.e. act professional at work, silly with friends, respectful at a funeral....) but I am the same person all the time, I don't know how else to be. Never would have made it as an actress.

Great question.

Sunny said...

I am a sloth. I am pretty sure that if nobody looked I wouldn't make the effort.

Sad really.

awareness said...

giggles....artistic recluse.....I could handle that myself!! Well, maybe for a while and then I'd have to feed my need for people interactions. I've often wondered what it would be like to spend a chunk of time experiencing the life of a monk.
I'd have to have access to my blog though hahahaha!

Hi layla.......I'm pretty sure I'm the same as my public persona, though when I get time to be all alone, I tend to be at a point when I really need to be to recharge.

sunny.......sloth.......oh yes, sloth fits me too by-times.

kenju said...

That reminds me of a book I read years ago, by Gerald Jampolsky, titled "Why Am I Afraid to Tell You Who I Am? The answer was "Because you might not like me".

Self-knowledge is a very valuable thing, but some of us don't want to share it...LOL

Rainbow dreams said...

My slightly wicked and cheeky side comes out when I don't think I'm being watched, but really I only know how to be me..... :)

Ellen said...

Why, I don't think you are too different from the talented, kind, heartfelt, caring person that you display here.

I find that as I grow older, my core values never quite lose their valor, but I learn new things, and new ways to adapt to the curveballs headed my way. So I may change some of my opinions or ways to accomplish things, due to new information... but the core itself is already steadily placed. I'm just me.

The Harbour of Ourselves said...

Barbara Streisand! No just kidding

i return to who i was as a boy - and i lived long enough to not let the mystic in me try and figure out why

good level 5 question!

awareness said...'s so true, isn't it? We take such risks sharing because there is always that little itch which wonders how we will be received.

Katie. YOu have intrigued me. I now wanna know how this slightly wicked side manifests itself?? :)

Ellen.....thank you. Like you, I may expand on my learning etc, but I have the same basic core. When I am is what shines.

Paul..... :)
may i just point out that Barbra is not the name of a guardian angel, whereas........ moi?
welcome back. you have been dearly missed my mystic friend.