Monday, January 08, 2007

My new motto.........

A strong successful person resists being a victim of her own environment. It is up to her to create the favourable conditions with which to thrive, to be productive and to make a difference. Positive energy unleashed feeds imagination, nurtures creativity, enhances relationships and offers opportunities not yet known. Positive energy focuses on hope, and puts you in the driver's seat.

Time to turn on the ignition, and look out for that signpost with the splashy multi-coloured word "destiny" on it.............................. let the story of 2007 begin.

Off to work I a "level 5 capacity"

here's to new revelations and open expression


Rainbow dreams said...

Lets go..... :)
Great motto

Bar L. said...

I like the motto and the painting very much.

X said...

I raise my glass to that! :)

Sunny said...

I started my 2007 at level 5 but now I am starting to lose gas and I am falling down levels as we speak.

awareness said...

Hey Katie......if you find access to the internet during your foray this week....bon chance and have fun!! came swirling down from the ether. But, I like it too......

K! Happy New Year. Keep digging up those stories

Sunny....... Level 5 is being expressive and open and are all that and more!!! As for your resolutions? One step at a time..... and don't be too hard on yourself. My goodness, you're all on your own in the Resource Centre FILLED with MANY who are trying to sort out their resoloutions by finding employment. Soon you will have help!

SocietyVs said...

Have fun at work and those pics of wherever you are in Canada rock - but I think the full moon was on Dec 2nd - so it places those pic in some timeframe. Still awesome attitude you have!

awareness said...

Hi societyvs.......why thank you. The full moon shot was taken after New Years......Jan 3rd maybe?
As far as my 2007 motto? I will do my very best to live up to it.... no guarantees.......... work wasn't fun last fall and left me with burnt frays.......... I'm hoping I can turn things around.

Today was a good start.

Oh.........the photos are of Fredericton.....just on the outskirts of the city.....

thanks for dropping by. I am intrigued by your writing on your blog and will visit your site again soon.

paris parfait said...

Hear, hear!

JP (mom) said...

Wonderful! Create the conditions which will foster the best You and open the roadway to your Destiny.
Beautifully stated, Dana!
Much peace & love, JP

get zapped said...

This is a wonderful post! So full of positive energy. Thank you for the inspiration!