criticism of their policies is dangerous.
They will always equate their policies
with patriotism, and find criticism subversive."
Henry Steele.
A good friend of mine who has known me for many years called me a subversive shit disturber a couple of years ago. When she blurted out this label during a conversation we were having about our perspective careers and our desire to seek out new challenges and all the actions we had taken to make it happen, I was taken aback by the remark. For about 10 seconds......... .........because she was right! I am a subversive shit disturber (even when I'm ALL ALONE) by nature. I just had never thought of those words to describe me before.
Busted!!! And may I say..................busted by a very good subversive shit disturber in her own right.
Heres why I think she's right:
I suck at following rules.
I follow my own beat.
I don't like joining groups, I'd rather be leading one.
Lemmings scare me.
I would never put up with someone else signing me up for some volunteer task or making a decision on my behalf if I hadn't had a huge say in it.
I am not one to be directed or micromanaged. You might as well put a gun to my head cause that's how I feel when someone is breathing over my shoulder.
I can sniff out manipulation and phoniness in one whiff.
If I see a wrong, I can spend many brain waves trying to figure out a way to make it right even if action goes against the norm.
I can be a pitbull with a chew toy if I am motivated to sort out something.
Challenge my brain and I'm there my friend.
If you find me in a room with a big box, I will be standing on the outside of it.
Offer me an underdog issue, and I'm eating steak tonight!
Mark Twain, master of subversive humour as a means to encourage shifts in perspectives and perceptions, lived by his motto: "Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.........."
It's not a fully concious act on my part to veer towards an issue or the "minority," when it first is introduced to me. In fact, most often I'm up to my hip-waders in some issue before I realize that my actions constitute's honestly how my brain works.......... I hear or read about an underdoggish issue and before I know it, my thoughts have taken me down a problem solving road less travelled. Put a bunch of rules on a plate in front of me that are directly and negatively affecting a person in need and I'm trying to figure out how I can quietly slip the rules under the table. this a good thing or a bad thing? It can easily be perceived as manipulative or threatening, especially when dealing with people and working in a system, especially by authority who have made the policies. It definately can be frustrating for a creative subversive, but I think if utilized wisely, one can rock some sense and sensibilities by helping to alter policy, to positively impact other's force change when it is really needed. It can also help build a relationship with a person in need, when I tell them I'm on their side and I'll try to go to bat for them. No guarantees, but I'll try.................
I'm glad my friend and fellow subversive shit disturber pointed this out to me. This insight of how I am perceived, and how I project myself has allowed me to evaluate my approach and interactions with others.........making me feel either pride or shame.......pride when I was able to use it in a way that helps, or shame when I look at the times when I didn't approach a situation or deal with "authority" respectfully. It is both a strength and a weakness, that's for sure. I just have to continue to remain more cognizant of my "subversive" button is pushed and for what reasons..................
I'm willing to bet that your post would be an accurate description of many of the world's best leaders, problem solvers, and advocates.
Ya think tiara lady???
OK, here's a confession....... the reason I wrote this piece was because of the "head rush" I had after ambushing a local MLA yesterday with another woman to confront him over the Albert St. School move mess. LOVED IT!!
It just felt like serious and productive subversive shit disturbing and I'm hungry for more! hahahahaha
It left me thinking........hmmmm.....
maybe it's time to seriously think about the land of politics....... it's always been in my radar.
Self-knowledge is a wonderful thing.
So much of your wise post could have been written by me or about me. Fuel for the firestorms ahead...
Yeah Awareness, maybe you should enter politics. The NDP are desperate for a leader. har har
hey kenju...self-knowledge is a good thing, but can also make one wince too!
Tara....interesting that you describe yourself the same way. Subversive shit disturbers make great journalists I suspect :) glad I have your clashes with my personality however!! Blue with a bit of red tory tinge would be my colour preference..... :)
NDP need a leader? NDP need a grave digger.
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