Wednesday, June 18, 2008

whatcha thinkin about?

Are thoughts ever random or are they always connected somehow to a hidden scene playing out internally? Are they like little pieces of thread on a sweater you sometimes have an inkling to tug at, and then sometimes know better to leave well enough alone?

Thoughts can drive you crazy if you let them. They can be powerfully overbearing to a point where if you feed them with more thought food, you may lose site of the other more helpful and effectively healthy thoughts. You become a prisoner in a maze of endless alleys. Take a risk on an unknown journey led by a thought wrought with fear and see how it grows..........see how it GLOWS in the dark night. But if you never take that journey does it mean there is resolution in the untugged thought or does it wrestle underground finding it's own fuel?
Thoughts can also spur own creative imagination, which is sometimes the only bright light in a day of drudgery when all that you find yourself doing is completing a list of to dos that don't seem to have any meaning. Ever had a day like that? I actually have one on the horizon.....a put my head down and get it done kind of day where cerebral stimulation isn't on the menu. I've been avoiding it, or them because now I have let the to do list PILE UP HIGH and it will take a day or two of grunt work to get it done. I was more inclined to let my mind wander into the nooks and crannies of stimulating thoughts and havent been focused on what needs to be DONE. Sure, I've been on a series of very interesting mind-full journeys, but now I have to hunker down. If I can.......I keep tugging at a thread......
.........and it makes me all writers have a bit of perseverative obsessive compulsivity in their souls? we suffer from OCD with no exit?
.......and it makes me believe..........there is never a bitter end to a thought, unless you're one of those surface dwellers. Personally, I prefer the attic.


Bar L. said...

I certainly relate to this, I am not as much of a writer as you are but I am an attic dweller. I sometimes wonder if its to my own detriment that I think so much, care so much, question so much. But that's just how it is :)

awareness said...

I'm with you Layla. I continuously stumble over my own thoughts.....while trying to tell myself to get out of my own way! In fact, I was up early this morning and couldn't for the life of me decide what I wanted to write about........had TOO many ideas and thoughts streaming through my noggin' that I thought maybe I'd just write about thinking. How absurd is that?

Unknown said...

and here's me thinking the whole thing was about beer!

awareness said...

oh, it's about beer and chopping wood and sharing attic thoughts at a tavern named after a strutting rooster......i think there may be some spontaneous dancing too. But, i could be completely wrong.

Karen said...

I sometimes just wish there was an "OFF" switch to give myself a break for a while from the never ending jumble in my head.

I've tried to meditate a few times but I can never make my mind be quiet for long enough to let it happen.

Great post as always Dana. Did someone mention beer and dancing...?