In search for meaning, we blindly entangle ourselves in daisy chains. We may be surrounded by beauty, but no closer to figuring out the reason, the meaning. Why? Because we are too busy searching, we aren't recognizing what is right in front of us! So, we continue to add more and more daisy of them HAS to have the answers to the questions, we think.
All of a sudden we glimpse outward one day when we are taking a break from all that heavy duty mind numbing THINKING only to discover we have a room full of daisy garlands woven in and out and around. EVERYWHERE we look, daisies are staring us down with their playful yellow and white faces. Smiling..........
And you smile can you not? Daisies spring memories of carefree childhood summers. They are nodding bouquets picked for princesses tiaras and tea parties. They are the wild simplicity waving at you amongst the tall grass of the farmer's fallow fields. Accessible, friendly, simple, inviting........
pick me
pick me
pick me
helovesme, helovesmenot, helovesme, helovesmenot
"Lighten up," the daisies say...........
A room full of daisy chains.......there's no meaning behind them except that they are beautiful. They make us Look UP and away from our ever obsessive navel gazing activities and take notice of what's OUT there. Our search for meaning can lead us to a simple conclusion....but an important one.
It is what it is...........
that's all....
It is what it is............
How empowering.
This week's prompt for Writer's Island is is what it is.........
Symbolic. Maybe in the simplest of things we find complex of answers. Thats how I read it.
teachers bleed too
I loved the process of making daisy chains... we would sit and make them for hours, choosing the best, thickest stems, admiring the daisies and feeling sorry for the ones that weren't quite good enough.
Sam still talks about the people we would meet while we were making them at lunch in the park near to her school and about the caretaker she gave her best chain to... and how pleased he was with it...
They cannot be rushed, they delight and bring smiles to others...
we would also take turns to practice handstands and cartwheels...just for fun...(when we were alone) :)
daisy chain moments... some of the best... choosing to take the time out to do something that has no real actual purpose... perhaps more empowering than we think...
I love daisies! And your post!
Thank you for this, Dana. It tied in, for me, with the need to focus on now not then. I need to spot the daisies more and look at them properly.
how sweet of you.. this does make one want to at least have a look around doesn't it???
I love it! As you can probably see by my (one of many) moniker, I also love daisies. In fact, with my other being Calia77, there's definitely a bit of a flower theme going on here. Such beauty in flowers - "Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these." Luke 12:27
And He also empowers us through enabling us not to worry, I think.
Inspiring and empowering! I love the way you formatted the words and photos - the slow dripping of truth!
(here from Michele's)
Thank you!
I LOoove daises they simple beauty but I could never of put it so eloquently. Just Beautiful D xx
i love the pics
maybe I just want SPRING and flowers...
here from michele
A gentle form of empowerment. Perhaps the best there is.
Very inspiring We are surrounded by beauty We just have to look
this was beautiful
I like the thought of weaving daisies to a strand symbolic of the memories we kept in our thoughts, in our hearts. Altogether the garlands we created, the memories we cheerish are souce of inspirations that would empower us.
I wish you well.
~ Jeques
It is what it is -- it is magnificent... and we are in it!
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