Saturday, October 06, 2007

a time for every purpose..........

Blessings disguised as heartache sometimes remain a mystery for a long time. We struggle to find meaning, to request a reason for having to struggle and stumble through a particularly painful experience......we ask WHY a lot, expecting this dawn of enlightenment to strike us like a bolt out of nowhere. But they continue to defy our understanding.
I'm beginning to think that ones.........not the ones we already recognize and count...... don't like to reveal themselves until you aren't paying attention.
It's kind of like losing those keys you're absentmindedly carting around in your hand. You conciously (or so you think) look and look for those darn keys only to be flushed with brilliance the moment you have given up looking and you sit down to figure out how you're going to miraculously start the car. DOH!
We tend to use up our energies looking with futility.........treading arm circles over and over.......going over the same patch of grass, looking, looking....trying to find the keys...kicking our own asses in could I have been so stupid? Why? Why?
Why is this happening to me........?
What is the purpose of having to experience this heartache?
To make me more aware?
To test my patience?
To force me to recognize what is REALLY important in life?
What is REALLY important in life?
A blessing disguised as heartache has the capacity to offer you a brighter light to look into the well where dark uncertainty hovers. But only if you stop with the arm circling futility........only if you let go of your fight for control over everything in your life. Because it is then, you will realize you are holding the keys already.
Relax. They don't remain disguised forever.
To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time for every purpose, under heaven

a few thoughts on this Thanksgiving weekend.....................


Shaz said...

This makes me smile as I acan so relate to this if I could only express is as you do I would be more blessed ;)

Rainbow dreams said...

somehow reminds me of that quote 'Faith means believing in advance what will only make sense in reverse.'

Many blessings aren't immediately obvious, perhaps when they aren't, when we struggle and search through the heartaches for the rainbow at the end, they actually bless us more deeply and with greater insight, than had they not been disguised so...
you say it so well Dana, Happy Thanksgiving, x

awareness said...

Shaz....I can relate too :)

Katie. I have never read that quote. I like it. I agree with you is most definately more meaningful, or at least it feels that way when you begin at the other side of insight. It's comparable to how joy feels when sorrow precedes it.

Sara said...

Katie, I was impressed by your blog today. For me my life has had many changes this past year and only recently have i been able to accept the blessings that have come from the changes.

Thank you for such a thought provoking post..

BTW, Michele sent me to say hello...

Karen said...

Beautifully put as always Dana. Like Shaz, I can relate to exactly what you are saying here and I sit and think to myself "if only I could express my thoughts so beautifully".

Happy Thanksgiving to you.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Dana!
Thinking of you and your family.

JP (mom) said...

A wonderful perspective on blessings. I've been pondering this too .... how the darker, more painful experiencies can become blessings if you look for the lesson. Peace, JP/deb