leading to internal strife
where stillness and storm collide
where awareness meets mystical questioning.
where stillness and storm collide
where awareness meets mystical questioning.
Chaos driven by autumnal loneliness
the source of hazy landscapes
surrounding identity confusion
where contemplation and outbursts merge
where answers are never clearly defined
Are they hidden behind the grey clouds of the unknown?
blurry thoughts from a blurry person who has been sucking on tylenol 3's for two days.
Wonderful words; I don't think we have Tylenol here in the Uk, perhaps I should get some. The classic Cloud of Unknowing is available to read online at http://www.ccel.org/ccel/anonymous2/cloud.html
You write with amazing clarity for a blurry person. Get well soon Dana :(
Get well soon. I agree ,not bad for a blurry person.
"For when I say darkness, I mean a lacking of knowing: as all that thing that thou knowest not, or else that thou hast forgotten, it is dark to thee; for thou seest it not with thy ghostly eye. And for this reason it is not called a cloud of the air, but a cloud of unknowing, that is betwixt thee and thy God."
Thank you David. I had no idea! Now, I'm completely intrigued. I read the first 5 chapters very quickly and was astonished....I found the quote/passage in chapter 4 when it JUMPED off the page at me....then I went back to the intro for more understanding of where this writing came from. I will print it off and read it more thoroughly. I will also look into Evelyn Underhill (who wrote the intro......I had never heard her name before but see she has written many books? I search her name too) You gotta LOVE the internet.
Confession time....I was out in my backyard on Friday putting in time taking photos of the autumn colours while waiting for my dentist appt....I had some dental surgery, hence the painkillers. All is fine and clear now....
I took the photo I posted and when I looked at it on my computer afterwards, it was a blurry....but i liked it....and I liked the greyness around it. The phrase "grey clouds of unknowing" found me then......and it stuck in my head.....initially because of how I was feeling about going to the dentist! After my appt., the phrase stayed with me, and transferred over to a more spiritual tone. From there, the words tumbled out through the haze of painkillers.
A toothache led to new awareness. Who would've thought??
Gypsy and Marja....thank you. Am feeling much better today. Unfortunately more dental appts. lay ahead. Who knows what will come of those. lol.
I hope you feel better soon and the toothache subsists ... I too find myself questioning in moments of pain ... it's interesting how physical pain triggers emotional pain (and sometimes vice versa). Keep asking the questions - that's the only way answers will come. xx, JP/deb
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