Wednesday, June 20, 2007

understanding venus....trying....

It's a known fact that a woman's worst enemy can be another woman for no other reason than some sense of threat. It's a weird and wacky conundrum, one that seems to rear it's ugly head on a daily basis. When you consider the ongoing strides made even in recent history to reach a point where equality may one day be attained on all fronts, you would think that women would've learned to be supportive of one another. And yet.......

Yesterday, a young woman in my office who has been juggling two full time jobs to stay afloat and to pay her bills was offered a new permanent job with benefits and a future. She was beyond excited as we all were for her. It has been a long haul and she deserves it and more. With no family for support, this means the world to her. And yet..... when she called her supervisor (a woman who has done nothing but put up nasty roadblocks for her over the past year......BECAUSE SHE COULD and nothing could be done about it because my co-worker was in a casual position and had no "hand" in the situation....thank you George Costanza for the term) all she received was hums and sighs and catty replies. This is SO common.

Last week, I was informed of a situation which occured over MSN between a few friends of my daughter......all girls...... being nasty and ganging up on another in their supposedly closeknit group. Though there wasn't MSN when I was 13, I do recall the nasties loud and clear. It's girl bullying, and it continues with adults in the boardrooms, on the sidelines at a ballgame, in the schoolrooms, in church meetings, at committee meetings.......just about anywhere.
Time and again, I see the actions of women who are just plain rude to other women. I remember not too long ago sitting beside a male friend chatting with him. We were sitting at a table that was half empty enjoying the conversation with others. Along comes voluptuous vixen in a push up bra and poofy blonde hair (from a bottle) who grabs a chair and somehow slides it in between me and my friend and promptly sits down with her back to me. So, what did I do? What did I want to do?

Today, I had a conversation with another colleague.....her question to me....out of the blue....was, how do some women move up in the ranks while others more qualified stew in under the ranks and never move in their careers? Million dollar question, really though sometimes its pretty darn obvious, at least to someone else standing on the sidelines observing. They use the tools they were taught to use, and some are able to samba their way better than others.
I'm totally fine with that...........use whatever you want, but don't stomp on other women in the process. Where I completely turn off is when this happens and it happens way too much. I don't really know why, but i have a few theories as to why some women have this way of completely turning off all other women.
Territorial.......... it's in our ancestral genes, and it can manifest itself in many ways. Come to close to my world, watch out for the claws is one end of the continuum. The other end? The territory is open and relaxed and welcoming. Most of us are some where in the middle. If my "territory" it my circle of friends, my family, my husband is somehow targetted you better believe my antennae is up and alert. If I see another woman brazenly and rudely interfering with any of these people in my life, I wont stand idly by. AND I will point out the behaviour afterwards to the intended target.....cause sometimes? It's mesmerizing!!
Temperment......and this one doesn't seem to be solely found in women, well neither is the territorial one, but there is a mamma cat and kittens feel to the territorial reaction. Someone who is introverted by nature meets up with an extrovert and there's a feeling of disconnect while one sniffs out the other. These are two very distinct planets sometimes and it can be difficult finding your way. Though I think if we took a step away from our own labelled temperment, we would see we have both in us. It's just that they are revealed in different scenarios.
Values.......aka.........stay at home moms versus career moms. A field of landmines this one because it is a longstanding discourse on justification of existance peppered with religious beliefs, socio-economics, role identification and clarification, marital support, familial history and last but not least what's best for the children. When there's a clash of the momma titans on this one, just get out of the way, because it's a no win eternal tug of war. If you want to hurt someone badly, start criticizing the way they are as parents. The thing about women who bully, it is never done directly. Rather it's a slight here, a dismissal there...........and dig underneath. It's all quite passive aggressive. Where is the respect?
Kids vs. no kids............see above........
Mistrust of other women...........a lesson somehow gleaned from others........perhaps even from past experiences.
Confidence: In the long run, it really comes down to confidence doesn't it? I mean, if you're confident about the choices you have made and the opinions and values you have chosen to have as your foundation to make the choices than you're comfortable with yourself. It's as easy as that. But, if you're struggling with your self-esteem to a point where you're protecting yourself from not being friendly to others, you are going to act like all wounded people an obnoxious rude manner.
Women who are obnoxious...........who flirt and ignore others around, who use their sexuality especially in a coquettish teasing manner, like they are unaware that they are even doing so, who think of themselves above and beyond the other female minions may think they are invisible to the rest of their venus sex. I've got news for them. They glow in the dark.............a bright neon pink....... and will live their lives with very few female friends.
how sad..................because a life without girlfriends is an empty one.
ps. can someone out there in blogland please help me. i can't seem to arrange my posts with spaces between the paragraphs. I set it up and then click on publish and it all squishes together. it looks awful........and it makes it difficult to read. AND it's driving my aesthetic eye crazy. please and thanks....if you can tell me what i'm doing wrong.


Matthew said...

Great post Awareness. In the library field I work primarily with women and many times see these roles played out. Being a male I often cannot pick up on the subtle jabs between co-workers and only find out later when someone shares with me.

I wish I could help you with the spacing between the paragraphs. I have also had that problem on Blogger. (Part of the reason I switched to Wordpress) I hope someone has the answer!

Unknown said...

You hit the nail on the head with this post. The funny thing it that I was just discussing the whole nasty women in the work place with my boss a few hours ago.
I try to remember that it's really sad that someone feels so poorly about themselves that they have to make others feel small.

awareness said...

hey husband is in the same venue, surrounded by the library ladies. :) like many offices with too many women and not enough men, it seems to automatically occur. there have been times when my husband will tell me about a situation and i automatically react because it "fits" with the passive aggressive behaviour of a woman who wants something.....and will point it out to him. it's weird.

it is the subtle stuff which is almost like another language onto it's own that other women can pick up very quickly....we learned how to do this on the playgrounds of the nation i think while skipping. personally, i loathe it, especially the sexual flirtatious stuff that reminds me of a cat spraying it's territory :)'s universal, isn't it? it's also dumbfounding that our own sex can be so cruel. why can't we be supportive of one another all the time and channel our energies into mentoring and cheering others on? personally, i have yet to have a female supervisor that i could trust or respect. isn't that awful?

JP (mom) said...

Hi Dana,

I've had probs with the spacing issue as well -- when creating/editing a post go into html mode (one of the tabs on the top right of the compose box) and put < br/ > (I'm leaving extra space in between the brackets so that blogger will accept this in the comments & not take it as html code!!) in between the lines in which you want a paragraph/one-line white space break.

I love your commentary on some of the pitfalls of our gender. I've been on the receiving end of the bad side & it saddens me. Why can't we as women (or we as humans) seek to uplift and support one another?

Much love & peace, deb

awareness said...

thanks Deb.

I will try it......

and I agree with, why can't we?

Harmony said...

Hi Dana

It was spooky how much I related to this post, it is a frustrating part of my life at the moment. Why can't men see when a woman is being passive aggressive and getting in digs in the most subtle of ways?

A friend of mine just doesn't get what his wife is doing and its driving me crazy. It definitely seems to be a behaviour only other women understand. These are the people I find the most intolerable. At least if someone is open about their opinion of you, you know where you stand and can take it from there. But the passive aggressive bully, they're a breed unto themselves and one which should be eradicated post haste.

Fantastic post that resonated with me in so many ways.

Footpad said...

What an interesting post; very insightful.

With regard to whitespace between paragraphs, there are a few ways to do this. JP's <br /> trick is an easy one to remember, though there are others with different subleties.

-- f

The Barefoot Girl said...

THIS IS A GREAT post! This needed to be said and I am glad you said it. I have noticed this for years, how some women view other women as "the enemy" or "the competition" rather than their fellow females.

Especially the working mom/stay at home mom "battle". I rarely watch Oprah but one that had these two groups and the women were vicious toward each other.

Thanks for writing this.

What the "vixen" type woman does not seem to realize it that everyone sees her for what she is and she is usually an embarrassment to herself, but is too bitchy to notice.

Canuckguy said...

Awareness: your comment "had no 'hand' in the situation....thank you George Costanza for the term"

For Your Interest, some info I gleaned out of a book:

The term 'In Hand' and 'Out of Hand' goes back to Roman times and had to do with daughters getting married. In the Roman Republic times in such cases, the bride passed straight from her father's possession into that of her husband - 'in manum' latin for "in(to) his hand" as the legal phrase had it, complete with her property.

As long as a man's daughter remained "in his hand", he retained complete control over her and her assets

One of the three forms of marriage was known as 'usus' which resembled our 'shacking up' in that it was only legally binding after 1 year of continuous association. Therefore the father retained 'the hand', in other words, complete control over her and her property.

In the early days 'usus' was not considered entirely respectable, a kind of trial marriage that was acceptable if it developed into something permanent but frowned upon if it did not.

Thus marriage by 'urus' contained a loophole large enough to foster a woman's independence. If the woman absented herself from her common law husband for 3 successive days and nights, the qualifying period starts all over again since the 'continuous association' clause was broken. With careful timing and a little ingenuity, a woman could postpone almost indefinitely the moment when she became legally subject to her husband instead of her presumably more sympathis father. For misbehaviour other than adultry, she could expect a lecture from her father rather than the stringent punishments her husband family had otherwise the right to impose.

By the end of the Third century BC, women were more "out of hand" than "in hand" or so her male contempories complained. It seemed women were indulging in behaviours that would have horrified the noble and well behaved matron of earlier times.

Thus Roman women "out of hand" would be todays "Girls Gone Wild"

awareness said... is a funny thing that women can see this behaviour a mile away and yet is often invisible to the male target when it is so blatant.

footpad...thank you. i will try that next time. it seems easy, maybe i won't screw it up.

barefoot girl.... i do like your i am one too. much prefer to go barefoot. :) you are too right about the vixen...for a while though she did have her magic vixen dust sprinkled in the eyes of my friend...and then he snapped out of it thank God. Do you know what she did then? She left the get together, changed into another outfit and sauntered back with a new plan. it was quite funny to observe. she knew who her sights were on....and this blinded her too....i think she was oblivious to what others thought. but i also think she didn't really give two hoots either.....
btw....she was never successful in her steamy seductive quest.

canuck guy......i love this little bit of history!! amazing what comes out of a book these days :)
I had never read that before, but will most definately borrow your information and try to assimilate it into the next conversation i have at a party.

nice to know women have been out of hand for a very long time.....only the good die young.