Sunday, November 27, 2005

Feeling Good..............

Happiness is a by-product of what makes us fulfilled. It comes about by doing what brings you meaning and contentment. Today was a happy, joyfulfilling day after an exhausting couple of months of planning, creating, giving, interacting, fretting, envisioning, and orchestrating an event. There is a sense of inner harmony that accompanies the knowledge that one has made a difference by offering up your best.

Today, we celebrated the beginning of the Christmas season with the annual Bazaar at the local school. The gym and classrooms were transformed into a congregational place of smiles, laughter, adult conversations, and kids taking part in a variety of "reindeer games." It is an event that has become the heart of the "lore" surrounding this school; a time when new families mingle with the alumni from years past; a time when families and staff drop their other lives and roles for a short while, and focus on fun.

And, in the middle of this whirlwind of activity, I received a token. I learned that honesty, forgiveness and goodness does exist. Second chances are provided.

Previously, I had written about a woman who was trying to get her life back in order after dealing with the consequences of stealing money. She was searching for forgiveness. Throughout these past couple of months, she has worked hard to find employment. In every interview she had, she projected herself enthusiastically and honestly, determined to find the right employer that would not only know her story, but would look beyond it and give her a chance. And throughout her pursuits, she had kept in touch with me. I was her touchstone. Yesterday, Sarah arrived to volunteer at the event with news. She starts her new job on Monday. Her employer is fully aware of her past, but is open to hiring Sarah based on her merits.

Believing and doing..................the ingredients that lead to contented happiness.

To affect the quality of the day, that is the art of life. Henry David Thoreau.

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