Sunday, October 12, 2008


We are in a world where we all want peace, and we all love peace. But the question will always be "are we prepared to work for it?" And to work for it can mean to put one's life in danger. It can mean to cross over barriers where one is not always understood or respected. Cross over the frontiers to meet the other, to encounter the other, to find strength to listen to the other.

Jean Vanier, Encountering the Other

It all begins by asking someone to tell their story. That's the easy part. Where it gets difficult is to sit in your own silence, a type of silence that opens you up to receive the story. To understand the every human being is seen equal in the eyes of God, no matter what their circumstances matter what their story reveals......... Every human being has a core filled with the desire to be loved, to seek justice, to search for mercy, to embrace the quest for peace.

Peace will only be attainable if we take on the truth of God's unconditional love and spread it for it in our families, communities, it in a country under strife and in need of healing. Peace sits longingly in all of our is where we must go when trying to connect with another human being. Where to start? By breaking down the barriers through kindness and empathy, not through judgement, but through conveying the message of communion. We must strive to do God's embrace our ability to see we are made from God's love. We all are. And if we are able to accept this, our mission to work towards peace through love unconditionally?

the barriers will fall

the defences will fall

wounds and vulnerabilities will be shared.

our message will be heard..........."I'm with matter what......."

we will discover a sense of forgiveness we never expected.

we will see the unveiling of joy. Joy is a beautiful feeling, but much more profound when joy shared transforms both lives.

Are we prepared to work for it?


much2ponder said...

This is a very good post Awareness and I love your new look on your blog. It's nice to see a picture of you also. It helps me to visualize you as I read your words. Very thoughtful writing. Hope you don't mind if I stop back again. I have always enjoyed your writing style and wanted to add you to the list of those I follow. Blessings to you:)

awareness said...

much2 thank you. I don't have many photos of me because i'm behind the lens all the time. this photo was taken a year or so ago and i have gone through a bunch of hairstyles since. I should really put one up of me now, but that would mean posing.

Please come by anytime. I really appreciate your comments and your visits.

awareness said...

Jean Vanier always makes me think....the fact that he lives his beliefs to the best of his ability teaches me that we can all do that. His question is thought provoking....and frightening. Its so much easier NOT to do anything to help make this world a more peaceful place because it seems like such a daunting task. It always starts with connecting with one person.....and then another, and then another. thats all. :)

Robert said...

as always so thoughtful and deep are your thoughts dear dana. we read a verse today in sunday school which i think is apropos to your post. *while we were yet sinners Christ died for us* He didn't point an angry finger and scowl telling us we needed to get our act together, He loved us and came to die for us. That kind of love and forgiveness hopefully will fill us as we come in contact with Him

awareness said...

Robert...good to see you. :) I want to believe that everyday I try to live my life attempting to connect with others with an openness as I described, that contact you write about is there. Jesus isn't too far away is He?