Held in it's hue is violent rage as well as desirous love. The beat of red tangos. It never waltzes. It pulls people close together face to face in heated debate, fueling attacks and consequent drawbacks after vicious stabbings and accusations. But, it also is the sexual flame between two people in the throes of lovemaking.
Red is life lived to the fullest. It is a open hearted expression.....of stirred yearnings to actively take on an adventure.....to run, not walk.......to dance, not stand still.......to take hold of the pulse of life and let go of doubt.
Red is there at the beginning of life and at the end of it. As in nature, when the sugar maple leaves turn from green to red, we recognize a time of transition......and with any transition there follows change.
I spotted this leaf atop of a young sapling which was nestled in a group of mature evergreen trees. It was only one of two leaves on the small tree and it was a wonder that it had the strength to compete with the evergreens for sun and sustenance. But it did, with a wound cut through it's perfection. I love the symbolism of this brave little leaf. What a feisty survivor. May it grow to experience many seasons and many transitions. May we all.
Very nicely written Awareness. You have a gift in the area of imagery through the written word and bits of your own heart are sprinkled throughout. God is good.
Lovely observations, my dear....And to add to that, Red is the color of the Valentine Heart, as well....I LOVE the color Red! The watmth and excitement of 'love'. (But then, I honestly just love "Color", period! (lol)
What a gorgeous photo - and such wonderful words! :) Well done!
m2p...thank you. it was fun to write. I like to write descriptively. It's like mental aerobics. Plus, you can sprinkle yourself throughout a piece without it appearing to be autobiographical. You saw through my secret. :)
Naomi....RED surely IS the colour of the Valentine Heart....and hot embers....and fireplace flames....and cinnamon hearts. I'm a colour fanatic too. (am wearing red right now!)
Claudia...thanks! I love this photo too. You know when you've taken a pic and you know right away it's a keeper?? I think it happens once every 500 shots? I knew right away I got a goodie.
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