Sunday, October 05, 2008


Why are we here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come.
Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot

Are we all just actors in life's theatre of the absurd? Are we simply tramps biding our time, muddling through life's happenings waiting for Godot? Is there a Godot or is He one of us just trying to make His way home?

There is a well known saying, one that is understood by a group of people I will always be connected to despite the fact that our summers together have long passed. I don't know where it came from, but I do know that it was passed on from one generation of counsellors to another....the meaning and the memories it conjures up are warmly felt. The memories may be different to one and all, but they are similar in their soft aroma because they all include the comfort of kinship........of hanging out together.

"Where's the happening?"

Instead of realizing that it was right under your nose, there was a sense that as you were waiting for this ever elusive big deal happening to occur, you were also smack dab in the middle of one, living the moment. During adolescence, we all tended to think that something bigger and more important was lying in wait around the corner of time, but in reality the joy of just hanging out sometimes just slipped by unrecognized. Every now and then a wise soul would point out the obvious, but there was always that lingering wistfulness.......that perhaps Godot was about to appear?

This morning, I awoke struck with the thought that I'm waiting for a happening. There is no clear sense of what it looks like, or how it will present itself and in fact it makes me feel unnerved. As an adolescent, there was always a tinge of excitement and of adventure.... perhaps experimentation. As an adult, however, happenings seem to collide in my head with change and turbulence. They don't seem to include the everyday ordinary living moments these days, or the stir of anticipation that used to bring smiling butterflies in the belly. Instead, they seem to be the crux of stress and emotional turmoil that produce a growling sensation in the pit of my stomach.

Am I becoming more cynical and less adventurous as I age? Am I becoming more fearful of change or do I see more clearly the need for changes with a tinge of immediacy? Or maybe there are just too many of the damn events that it's just becoming an annoyance?

So much of those ever elusive "happenings" have occured over the past year which have stirred up change and have thrown reality in my face that I think I get swamped in the reflections of them at times. I'm left with a muddled mess of interloping thoughts and fears of what the future has in store........of what I can and cannot control..........of what I need to face and to address and what I need to simply let go.

Oh, I know I'm not alone, ...... suitcases get full of bluesy loathings and can weigh a ton even for people whom others perceive as strong. The muscles used to carry the load, while anticipating MORE to throw in the bag at a time when the happenings are not simple "hanging out" moments is zapped today. It seems like I manage to get one item out of that damn suitcase and another one replaces it. It seems like i sit down for a breather and all of a sudden I get a tap on the shoulder to inform me that ANOTHER sweet life happening is beckoning. Am I allowed to SCREAM for help yet??

Happenings have somehow become crap that needs to be dealt with. And when you're a wife and mother with a full time career outside of the house, a human being trying to grab onto life and SQUEEZE it out as best as she can despite it's slipperiness, a multi-tasking mule with a list of to do's and a birthday party for ten 11 year old boys to orchestrate this afternoon and a 48 year old woman who is on the verge of getting her period for the umpteenth time in a matter of months, well.....lets just say, the suitcase needs a good airing out.

Think I'll go hang out under the tree with those two forlorn tramps for a bit and wait for Godot. 'Cause if I don't? I fear I just may choke someone.


Anonymous said...

I have that same feeling of anticipation - a sense that something is coming but I'm not sure what it is. It left me with real apoplexy earlier this year. I was afraid that what would be taken was that which I loved the most.

I think if we stand together, united, we will embrace what's next with glory and joy. Maybe Godot. Maybe Godot has been here all a long and we've missed him. Who knows?

I'm with you in anticipation

Under there... said...

You know, this a bit distressing with Advent around the corner!! Just kidding...I am pretty sure Godot is hanging out with the two tramps and Godot has been waiting on us all along to actually show up and hang out with the two tramps. Godot tunrs and asks the tramp on the left, "Where's the happening?" She turns and says right here, and her name is Dana. Glad you chose to be a part of the happening!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Ahhh yes. WAiting For Godot! Waiting for Something! Anything!
I don't know any anserrs to these questions just as Beckett didn't either...But, he sure got it right, didn't he....We are all waiting for something to happen, even when we are attempting to create that something....Does that make sense?

Oh dear. I think I'll lie down now and take a nap.

OH, and Dana, the day you no longer are waiting for your 'period' to happen is one of the GREATER Times in your life!
It is all a very dim memory!

awareness said...

claudia....good to have company. it's funny how that feeling of anticipation is a wobbly balance between dread and excitment? Dammit, I don't want to miss any sighting of Godot. I've always wanted to know what he looks like. Let me know if you spot him.

Makes me think of Where's Waldo.

Tim....ADVENT? Already? I can't be thinking advent yet......! We still have Halloween to savour first.

I think for the most part I choose to be part of the happening....sometimes the happening chooses me and drags me along. Maybe this is where its been so disconcerting. I have a sequel to yesterdays post, but ran out of steam last night to finish it. A happening did indeed occur and it was one I ended up creating. It all worked out in the end....but in the middle of it? I wanted to choke myself!

Naomi.....Beckett sure did. I took a course at university on theatre.....from romanticism, realism to absurdism. Great course! Godot was studied then along with a few other mind benders. Loved all the questions and thoughts it conjured up....good life questions to ponder.
On the other topic? I look forward to the celebration! Its been a long peri-menopausal haul and I've had enough of it. :)

Karen said...

Sounds like someone needs a vacation from the every day happenings of life and just "be" for a while. Sorry I haven't visited lately Dana. I am horribly out of the loop with blogging but am trying to get caught up.

JP/deb said...

I understand that feeling of just wanting to turn off the happenings of life and take a nice big ole breather. Yes, go scream, stomp your feet, release and move that energy ...

In the midst of waiting, we are still living, and in the midst of wanting, we are still having.

The experiences of reflection and action can occur simultaneously -- rather like patting our heads & rubbing our bellies!

Breathe! xx, JP/deb