Saturday, June 14, 2008


subtle quick flick of the eye
more powerful than words hold meaning
a silent dismissive half gaze
barely mentioned but caught by the one intended
eyes now lost in the fade of the glare
blue into grey wandering haze

the light dims
the light dims
restless dread feeds the hunger
where strength dissolves into sleepless heat
a wallowing mournful need
weeping behind the subtle flicker
blue into grey hazing gaze

the light dims
the light dims

The prey lies unprotected
exhumed in fitfull tossing
waiting for the wolves.
an unsubtle see through grey gaze
as their wants gain focus
as their hunger heightens
their eyes glow danger.
They prepare to pounce
while the light dims
the light dims

It makes me do you keep them at bay? Or, should you?


Rainbow dreams said...

we keep them at bay by knowing they are there.

awareness said...

katie....awareness of their presence is key....

just wonder if we need to find the courage to fight them....

Rainbow dreams said...

only if they attack?...

awareness said...

I don't want to wait for the attack....I would prefer to be more in the lead of recognizing those wolves and dealing with them on my own terms.

Rainbow dreams said...

I think if they know you're looking at them they either stay away or sometimes slink off, rarely do they attack, unless they think we're not paying attention...
I don't think we can ever get rid of them totally, we all have some out there

know what you mean though..