Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Happiness

There a people in our communities who quietly do good things. We rarely hear about them, unless somehow our paths cross for whatever reason. Their acts of kindness come from their faith, perhaps from their own history........even as an act of contrition.....a way of offering themselves up for forgiveness. We will never know what truly feeds their motivation. And we we rarely know how much good they have spread just by reaching out to another human being.

Giving and receiving goodness is measured by the connection made between all involved.

There is a church group in town who take on a plan called "40 days of giving." I have no idea if this is a common occurance with this particular religion. I just know we are in the middle of this time of year for this group of parishioners. I have never met them personally, but i have heard a few of the stories and end results of their good deeds.

Here is one story of giving

Last week, I found myself in a recreation room of a senior's apartment building. A small group of seniors wanted to arrange a gathering to encourage others to become more active. It was decided we would plan an afternoon "fall fling" with music and coffee, tea and sweets all the while asking those who attended what type of activities they would like to see throughout the winter. It was a wonderful turn out. All of the squares and sweets were provided by the local church as part of their community service and they arrived by the trayload. Each senior, who lives VERY frugally, was able to take a plate of goodies home with them afterwards. It meant a lot. None of this cost any money. thank God, because there was no way of paying for any of it.

The music was provided by our very own Fredericton Elvis, who has recently won various contests and was invited to Graceland last summer for the 30th anniversary. Mike, our Elvis is a well know mini celebrity in these parts, as is his son Josh, dubbed Little Elvis. Now when it comes to the whole Elvis phenom, I have to admit that I'm creeped out by it all. However, I see how thrilled and excited others get over it, and I can appreciate it.
Elvis arrived with his guitar, dressed not so was mid afternoon at a senior's fall fling, so he toned it down a bit. He promptly began singing, interspersing the songs with stories about his trip to Graceland and Sun Records etc............what he learned from his trip. In no time, he had all the guests singing and clapping and laughing at his gyrations. He also connected with them because he was once a pastor in the community too and knew a few of this audience. He was comfortable and happy to be there. He had done it for free and brought a big gust of happiness into a room full of seniors who live on a tight pension and rarely have a chance to have a little fun.

In between songs, I continued to put the treats out and to make tea, but would return when he would sing another song, and then I would return to lean against the doorway to see and to listen. Most residents sang loudly and openly to the familiar words.....laughing as they went along. At one point Mike/Elvis told a story about Elvis' first recording that became a small hit a the time. The whole place went quiet, however when Mike introduced this Elvis tune, one of his earliest, and one I had never heard before, though the audience knew it.

And quietly they sang along

Evening shadows make me blue
When each weary day is through
How I long to be with you
My happiness

Every day I reminesce
Dreaming of your tender kiss
Always thinking how I miss
My happiness

A million years it seems
Have gone by since we shared our dreams
But I'll hold you again
There'll be no blue memories then
Whether skies are grey or blue
Any place on earth will do
Just as long as I'm with you
My happiness

A million years it seems
Have gone by since we shared our dreams
But I'll hold you again
There'll be no blue memories then
Whether skies are grey or blue
Any place on earth will do
Just as long as I'm with you
My happiness

Lost in their own long ago happiness. Lost in a bank of memories which had been stored in their own pocket of love..........they quietly sang to their lost loves shared on youthful summer nights. This one song offered a gift from the past which produced soft smiles on all of their beautifully perfect faces.

It was an honour to be there to observe this snapshop moment where happiness visited a seniors recreation home............where the outside community brought song and love to a group of people who are often forgotten.

I smile just thinking about it.


Karen said...

Our more senior citizens don't really want all that much. Just to know that they are not forgotten and can be included in the community once in a while. It sounds like this event met their needs on both counts. Well done to all involved. It probably meant more to them than any of us will ever know.

Perplexio said...

Every year my parents join fellow members of their church on one Sunday in December and go Caroling. The separate into groups and go to Nursing Homes and homes of various shut-ins who are unable to get out.

Many of the shut-ins who are able to actually bake cookies and treats for the carolers and then after the caroling is done all the different caroling groups meet up either back at the church or at the homes of one of the carolers for a pot luck dinner.

Growing up, I joined them a few times and normally I don't enjoy singing. What singing voice I did have abandoned me at puberty, but seeing the joy it brought to the people we sang to made it a bit more worthwhile.

When I was in 3rd grade my teacher had an arrangement with a local senior home. Every student in the class had a senior they'd "adopt" and make special cards and what not for. With the senior center within walking distance of the school, we'd go over about once a month to spend time with our adopted seniors.

That teacher retired a few years back and it's left me wondering if her replacement picked up the torch she'd left behind and whether or not that practice has continued. I really hope it has.

Anonymous said...

Last night I was thinking about how I really want to start spending some time just visiting with some local elders. I love to listen to stories and share company. Thanks for the push.
p.s. My folks are going to be in Saint John next weekend (after their visit here).

awareness said...

Gypsy. The event came the day after the political convention I was so involved in, and it was exactly what the doctor ordered for me as well. The realness of the afternoon brought me back down to earth again. Part of the plan for the event was to complete a survey with the residents...a one on one thing to find out what activities they are interested in. Good thing there were a bunch of us there to perform this task because i got completely into a conversation with a woman I had met a couple of years back when she was applying for a disability. I had also met her mom and her siblings on another we took the time to catch up.........she also introduced me to a couple of the younger residents who are also in need of applying for disability.
It was a great afternoon.

Darrin....those are wonderful stories. when I was young, I arranged caroling nights at Christmas for my friends and I in the neighbourhood....we had great fun and met a lot of the older neighbours who would invite us in to sing a couple of songs. Your story also reminds me of my Grandmother, Mabel. Her voice sounded like Ethel Merman, but that never stopped her from organizing singsongs and activities at her local Club 60. she was also their travel coordinator, always planning day trips and mystery trips etc. she loved time she signed up to volunteer at a local Castle which gave tours during the Christmas season. She had to dress up in the period costume etc and regaled everyone with her knowledge of the local history.

Don't know where all those little tidbit memories came from......I guess I have been thinking about her a lot today. :)

Tori.....any kind of volunteering in the community is so very rewarding. We just all need to find our niche. My husband just signed up to volunteer for Meals on Wheels....just a couple of hours a week. It's such an important service especially for seniors who are shut ins. Sometimes it's the only human connection they have all day everyday.

ps. I'll keep my eyes open for your folks! lol

tickledpink.nicole said...

You captured the moment so beautifully. Thanks for sharing your happiness.

awareness said...

tickledpink Nicole...great name!! Welcome to my blog. :) The happiness I shared was my own observing the people attending the fall fling.......their faces of long ago lost love thoughts moved me completely.