Tuesday, November 20, 2007


We are like sponges who soak up all that is around us......

comments spoken
events experienced
opinions espoused
successes embraced
failures wounded

What if our sponges are saturated with years of negativity?

deprivation, isolation, mistrust, alienation, abandonment,
psychological pain, accumulative shame.

Is there a way to squeeze out the poison caught in the holes of the sponge? It can be done.

The moments, the people, the opportunities, the triumphs and the defeats impact who we become and how we respond more than we really care to admit. And if we don't recognize our own decision making patterns which have been generated by our accumulated past, we have the potential to keep making the same decisions over and over and over again. It begins with self awareness. It begins with recognizing what ingredients are found in the sponge.

We are unique thumbprints because of our diverse collection of experiences and yet we have much in common when it comes to how we react when we are unaware of the impact our past has on our present. We can easily become our own self fulfilling prophecies and not even know that it was our own power that put us in the same boat as before.

How often have you caught yourself choosing not to try something simply because you figure you'd fail at it because you had before? How often have you realized that you took a risk because.......well.............it worked last time, why not again? How often have you fallen into a relationship that on the surface didn't appear to be the same as the one before.........and yet........... you quickly realize that this person is all of sudden saying things about you that are familiar sounding?

How often do you catch yourself believing that you DESERVE to be treated with disdain? Statements like:

Things keep happening to me......

I can't catch a break......
The world works against me.......
I have always had a black cloud over me.....
I deserve it.......
I'm unlovable.....

So often I meet with someone who has never looked at the patterns of their choices and how they can easily be threaded back to the abuse and neglect, to the unnuturing upbringing, to the lack of unconditional love and belonging. The lack of awareness constricts their options by painting them with scar tissue schemas. Their testimonial statements reveal these scars to anyone listening, but often go unheard by themselves. This is where we will begin our work together.

We all have them......emotional schemas.......though some have wider and deeper ones. Sometimes, the same schemas are passed on from generation to generation, causing a cycle of dysfunction or a repetition of mistakes. Unfortunately, I see this time and again. The poverty of unmet basic needs wounds far greater than financial poverty and can impact another generation to a point where their chances of success diminish rapidly.

So how can someone change their course of action........their course in life? How can someone's supposed luck change? It all comes down to realizing that their behaviour and their choices stem from the stuff in their personal self concept sponge. Either they get a new one altogether or they take the time to squeeze the poison out of it. And since we only have one sponge to last our whole lives, there is really only one option. They must find a way to replenish the bad with some good. It starts with learning how to look in the mirror and like what they see. But, first one has to recognize their own set of emotional schemas.......

For more information on emotional alchemy...... Here is a link to a list of the various schemas with other links to coping styles. As well, here is a link to an explanation of cognitive therapy as an approach to breaking the patterns created by the schemas we carry with us.


Bar L. said...

i'm here for ya, in your corner

Robert said...

wow dana you definitely speak to me so deeply in this post almost all of what you have said getting the courage and gumption to make the schemas change yes that the rock and hard place rigt now ty fellow wondeerful misfit I found transactional analysis to have some good stuff in the cognitive/emotive aspects of change as well imho :)

awareness said...

Layla........ :)

Robert....both approaches, T.A. and cognitive therapy in counselling are very practical and have a lot of common sense to them, I think. When I utilize some of the techniques or type of questions (behavioural in nature) connected to them, I can often see new light bulbs turning on....and the beginning of the shift in thinking. The key is to help someone reach this point where they want to change their patterns. Yesterday, I was with someone who wasn't at all near this.... my post is a reflection of that session. I found it frustrating to see this person continuously bang her head against the same wall and yet not be able to see this. She was not ready to hear it either. So, I had to let it be.

You're right Robert.....much easier said than done. But, the lift from the burden of the so called "bag of rocks" we sometimes cart around from our past is well worth the efforts. Our past shouldn't always dictate our present day life decisions, especially if they are unhealthy choices.

Dustin said...


Thank you for this post. We are surely the result of our pasts, both individually and collectively. As I think about your post, I cannot help but apply your thoughts to the Church, and how we continually act in negative ways which reflect our past without realizing it. Collective awareness is needed as well.

Well, since Canadian "Thanksgiving" was in October, I won't wish you a "Happy Thanksgiving," but I do hope you have a great week :)

awareness said...

Dustin....Happy Thanksgiving to you. A messy winter storm is approaching us tonight, which I'm sure doesn't bode well for New Englanders travelling home! I think this the storm is coming up the coast from there.

I'm intrigued by your comments of how this applies to the history and present day planning and implementing of the church....which in turn makes me realize how applicable it seems to be when it comes to the bureaucracy found in government too. Though there's an appearance that re-inventing is happening, it really isn't because the decisions being made today are solidly attached to stuff from yesterday which wasn't healthy then and isn't healthy now. Many examples come to mind......but best be keeping those off blog an in my head. Don't want to ruffle any feathers around here...... :)

Perplexio said...

Great post!

This is something I noticed with my wife. Whenever I call anyone in my family I ask her if she wants to talk to them. And she'd normally answer no. I asked her once why... She said it was because none of them ever showed any interest in asking her about her life. I responded that of course not, how could they if not given the opportunity to do so. She's since gotten better about it. She is talking to my parents when I call them and with one of my brothers having recently moved a mere 4 hours away (previously he lived about 16-18 hours away) I believe she'll start talking to my sister-in-law a bit more.

But I totally understand what you're saying about our lives becoming self-fulfilling prophecies due to our pre-conditioned responses to things.