Friday, November 16, 2007

I carry..........

Girl Carrying a Basket
Winslow Homer , 1882
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.

How would I know what beautiful is if I don't carry it with me?
How would I know how compassion felt if I don't carry it with me?
How would I know about suffering if I didn't carry it with me?
How would I know what pain meant if I dropped it in a heap and didn't carry it with me?
How would I know what success tasted like if I didn't carry one with me?

How would I ever know how to deal with loss if I didn't carry the experience with me?

Where would I be without the bundle of love I carry with me?

How would I know how to be a friend if I didn't carry you with me?

When my cup is full, how do I carry it without spilling?
When my life is too chaotic, how do I learn to carry it without buckling under the pressure?
When I feel like I'm being pulled in too many directions, how do I continue to carry the map that will show me the path out of the woods?

Our minds, carry the cognitively accumulated experiences and life lessons which have taught us how to consider, to assess, to problem solve, to absorb, and to make decisions.

Our hearts, carry the interactive memories which have offered lessons in how to feel, express, empathize and sympathize.

And in our souls, we carry our true selves, made from the breath of God. It is from our souls that we learn to reach out to help carry the burdens of other human beings. It is where we harbour that bundle of love.

This week's Sunday Scribblings prompt is "I carry." Check out the others.


myrtle beached whale said...

WOW!!!! Very well thought out. Brilliant!!!

Anonymous said...

very well written. absolutely beautiful

kenju said...


This line....."It is from our souls that we learn to reach out to help carry the burdens of other human beings.".....reminds me of the wonderful neighbors I have, who have been bringing food to us since Mr. kenju had a stroke. They are truly helping to arry my burdens, and I am so grateful for each of them.

Jenn said...

"And in our souls, we carry our true selves, made from the breath of God. It is from our souls that we learn to reach out to help carry the burdens of other human beings. It is where we harbour that bundle of love."

I love the way you wrote that . . . so beautiful!

Thanks for visiting my brand-new site:

Cherie said...

Stunning - a beautiful take, Thank YOU!

The Harbour of Ourselves said...

beautiful dana

i honestly believe that we grow more by carrying burdens, by journeying with each other. this is stunning:

Our minds, carry the cognitively accumulated experiences and life lessons which have taught us how to consider, to assess, to problem solve, to absorb, and to make decisions.

Our hearts, carry the interactive memories which have offered lessons in how to feel, express, empathize and sympathize.

And in our souls, we carry our true selves, made from the breath of God. It is from our souls that we learn to reach out to help carry the burdens of other human beings. It is where we harbour that bundle of love.

this will nourish me for days....

awareness said...

mbw....thank you. i was struck by your post on this prompt as well.

leigh....welcome. I find it so interesting to look at the word or phrase prompt from the sunday scribblings site with the plan to write the first thing to come to mind....a very good exercise in improv writing and in possibly finding a new take on a theme I have written on before.
thank you for the feedback. wonderful to know that you are surrounded by others who know and understand the importance of being a neighbour. By them reaching out to you and Mr. Kenju in this manner, you have both been able to focus on his rehabilitation.

Jenn.....thank you. Your post on your site was very poignant. :)

Redness......will visit your site soon to read your take on this prompt.

Paul. I agree....we do grow more when we can help others carry their burdens. I hadn't thought about it before I read your comment. I also believe we learn how to look at our own with a new set of eyes afterwards too.
This piece stemmed from knowing that the word spirit comes from that Greek word, breath. I wrote it with a beautiful spirit in mind.

Rainbow dreams said...

brilliantly written - I really like this - fits in with a conversation Sam started yesterday about all the jigsaw pieces we are made up of

awareness said...

Katie...funny how stuff we read links to our own conversations or life moments. I have read a few pieces this morning that are connected to this prompt and Sunday scribblings which completely connected to a personal memory or thought I had ruminated over..... I love when that happens. I would love to know what Sam thinks of what I have written....if he sees the connection to your conversation.


urbanmonk said...

Hey dana, ( again) been meaning to comment for a while, ( I know this has nothing to do with this post) but wanted to say that I really like the photos you post. They always strike me. sharp and looking deep into the metaphorical spaces that good art inhabits. Speaking volumes without a word. Brilliant! And your prose and rants seem to shed a bit of light too:)

gautami tripathy said...

Truly beautiful post, Dana!

Sandra.if said...

Very true and beautiful,thanks for sharing

Matthew said...

You've penetrated right to the heart. I'm glad to read these words and bask in the resonance.

derick said...

thank you for all you carry ,all you are and all you will become

OldLady Of The Hills said...

This is quite Wonderful, and so true! Thank you for this and thank you for the Winslow Homer! What a BEAUTIFUL painter he was....! That painting is exquisite!

Karen said...

Simply lovely Dana.

Lucy said...

this is one of the most beautiful posts I've ever read. Every word true and full of meaning. You are an amazing writer! the following line is something I'm still trying to master...
When my life is too chaotic, how do I learn to carry it without buckling under the pressure?
I want to bookmark this page and re-read it often. thank you :)

paisley said...

very thoughtfully composed... i really liked this...

awareness said...

Thanks Monk. that means a lot coming from your artist's perspective. I'm thinking that if I can ever find the time to pull some of these writings together, I want to incorporate it with some of my photography. I also should try to get that flicker thing on my blog so I can collect them in one spot. But since I tried to change my template recently and lost ALL of my links to other blogs inadvertently, I am hesitant to do anything on this site for fear of seeing it go up in a puff of smoke!!
ps. I honestly would love to know which pics you are pulled to and why.......

gautami and arboleda...thank you. I am completely humbled by the response to this piece.

matthew...I think it is much easier to write when it comes from that place.....and when you have someone in mind while writing it. This was the case here.

Derick....well, I try. I don't know whether I can access it when I should and need to.........but will give it a try. Having said that, these are in ALL of us. We all carry these because we are all living within the same body of Christ. He has given us the same gifts to share and to receive dont you think?

Naomi. I really appreciate your visit and comments. I've respected your writing and photos from a far through Mike for a long time.

Gypsy...thank you

Lucy. Well, I guess we both did it to one another this week, didn't we?? :) I am touched by your comments. As I mentioned to Matthew, writing comes more vividly from a place where others dwell.

paisley....I had been thinking all day about the word spirit is pneuma in Greek (breath). It somehow derived from there and basically wrote itself in a very short period of time.

I am very humbled by this wonderful response and truly surprised. thank you for such lovely feedback. Dana

Tumblewords: said...

Yes, indeed. An incredibly fine writing!

Mamarazzi said...


sundaycynce said...

For some unknown and completely random reason, yours was the first scribble I chose to read this week and now I am thinking,"WOW!!!! What's left to say?? You served it up in an eloquent nutshell!"
Super job!!!!!!

I really love the quote you used in your Title banner too. Really thought provoking and so true.