Thursday, December 18, 2008


Light one candle. Move closer to the warm tiptoe hush of an internal quiet. Take a breath. exhale.......
How does one let the dust settle to feel the quiet beyond the mummered trappings humming chaotic thoughts? How does one attain a stillness reached only from the silencing of the mind of the soul? A wild cacophony resonates, bellowing over what needs to be heard. Perhaps it is a defense mechanism. Perhaps when we silence our minds, we are confronted with a truth we aren't ready to face. There is a fear which stops us from entering into this type of dialogue.
It's easier to keep busy. Busy hands, busy feet, busy mind, busy life. If we remain so, we justify our time and project an image of productivity and therefore seem content with the status quo. It's easier to avoid our inner comtemplations by remaining actively engaged in life activity, than to try to tackle what may be the most important task we have as hear the discourse of the silent mind. Why? Because it is so much more difficult to reach that stirring place. We are fearful of the quiet.

The quiet mind is where we reflect, and try to connect with what is meaningful. It is where truth dwells. Hard hurtful truth entangled with soft welcoming love. And if our goal in life, is to love like you have never been hurt? Well, I guess we just have to recognize that there is risk, but that we must trust that love propels the journey....that love burrows into our quietness......that love lights the candle.

Our lives are never completely still. Our minds are never completely silent. I'm beginning to recognize that the deeper the stillness and the longer the silence, the more I am able to listen to the words hidden behind the mummerings. For behind these comfort stealing mummerings is a hushing holiness where the dialogue with God just may take place....

It makes me wonder.............if I was to succeed in silencing my mind enough to meet God face to face, what would I ask Him? What would you ask Him? And what would He ask of you and me?
let me light that candle......and breathe.

Inspired by the Thematic photography prompt this week over at Carmi's place....quiet.


Anonymous said...

I never really thought about this before but you may just be on to something. I always keep busy, busy, busy and even when I go to bed and all is silent, I keep my mind occupied on other insignificant and unimportant things. I wonder what it is that I'm afraid to face?

Anonymous said...

am going to pop down to my church today and light a candle and sit with the silence for a while...

awareness said...

Gypsy....whatever it can rest assured that we are all fearing much of the same thing.

Paul...would like to do the same, but won't be able to today. So, I will picture you there, and will sit down beside you quietly.

Rainbow dreams said...

Sometimes that inner still voice shouts so loudly until we hear it and give in...and stop and listen.
It is important to stop and breathe, sit with the silence. It's like healing balm for the hurts of our soul.
Love the idea of love lighting certainly does.

awareness said...

katie...i loved the story Pip had about the woman who was trying to turn off all the noise in her outer world only to realize that the noise was in her head.

Love lights candles....would like a couple of mine lit thank you very matches struck here.

Rainbow dreams said...

Lighting one here for you,x

you know there seems to be a shortage of candle light right now... and that is truly scandalous... because it's not even something we can blame the credit crunch for - it's and light.

Off to read in bed... torch light will have to suffice.. remember late nights under the covers engrossed in a novel warm and snug?

Rainbow dreams said...

oh meant to say, I loved that story too. :)

kenju said...

"...if I was to succeed in silencing my mind enough to meet God face to face, what would I ask Him? What would you ask Him?"

I wouldn't ask one thing. I would just be completely content to be in the Presence.

awareness said...'re right.

Judy...just reading your comment calmed me down. I wouldn't ask a thing either. There would be nothing to ask. The word that comes to mind is bliss.

Mamie said...

I immediately felt calm and serene at seeing your choice for the theme this week - perfect. And like the others, felt drawn to light one and zen out for a while.