Saturday, December 15, 2007


Sultry night jazz with a touch of hip swaying blues...... an old recording which still has the verve to bring them together .... touching in familiarity as they find their dance during the early hours. With no one to interupt, they have a moment in time to revisit the harmony which brought them together in the first place. Freedom to reflect, and an open dance floor, their living room lit up by candlelight to swing and sway in unison. Crooning smooth voices fill the air accompanied by the allure of the saxophone.

They grab the opportunity, heightened by the music which touches their own rhythm. They let all responsibilities, worries, doubts, anxieties slide into an abyss.............for the moment. Awarenss in the moment. So little opportunity just to dance together as a couple. It seems to be the one thing that gets squeezed out in the melee of busy days filled with life.
yes sometimes life gets in the way of a much craved dance.
together again
It's a taste of joy dipped in cognac -
smiling warmth embraced as they talk quietly,
letting cares slip to the floor,
finding the comfort in silence,
something acquired after
long never ending courtship confessions
when there was time for it
future planning,
daily rundowns....
updates, make dates, restates
silence as their feet take them on a trip.
the dance continues long after the song is over.
soft shoe sway til the light of day.
and it feels just right.
Dance is the prompt this week for Sunday Scribblings. For more twilight dancing, click here.


paisley said...

what a blissfully perfect evening....

colleen said...

We had a private dance party for my husband's birthday recently.

I love the word VERVE.

Tumblewords: said...

Special, charming and lovely!

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely post, there should always be time to dance together

awareness said... does sound good doesn't it?? Will have to arrange for one of these evenings over the holidays. :)

Colleen....what a wonderful idea. Our 20th wedding anniversary is this month.....will do my best to follow suit.

Sue.....thank you.

Crafty..... you are so right. sometimes the dance is delayed....and it shouldn't be.

BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

An evening fit for a queen!

Love reading your prose.

Happy holidays to you!

Marja said...

Oh how romantic and I just love the saxophone. This is a bliss. I used to live for dancing when I was young and your words make me dream away.

little wing writer said...

beautifully told...amazing how a dance between two people can cut everything away and leave a moment so special between .. that all of us can experience this