Friday, December 07, 2007

I saw this patch of tall grass poking it's head out of the snow the other day, and blowing furiously. It caught my eye because it seemed like it was angrily talking back at the gusts of wind,giving the rest of nature a piece of it's an old fishwife barking at her errant husband. Even the nature around these parts need to adjust to learn to go with life's flow.


Shaz said...

This so gorgeous
Missin You xxx

Marja said...

Ha ha I love the comparison Like an old fishwife barking at her errant husband. You have a great imagination

Lucy said...

great observation! How often we pass little sights like this and never stop to appreciate.

awareness said...

shaz......send you well wishes. Hope you are gaining your strength back...... imagination sometimes is perceived as a bit kooky. :) It is how I see things. Absurdity abounds in this world doesn't it?

Lucy....You know, I have to say that this patch of grass was very persistent. I couldn't help but pay attention to it. :)