Thursday, February 01, 2007

please pass the fibre........

It is in my humble opinion that anal retention should be rendered illegal. Not only does it bung up healthy social interaction, communication and celebration, it levels any form of compromise or consensus. One anal retentive individual, stuck on the loo of life has the capacity to bring things to a screeching halt...........or at least slow it down to a snails pace. Sure, Retenters (new word, thank you very much) are good for making sure the details are considered.........but they ALWAYS take it to the nth degree of neurosis. Just when you think you've reached a point where a step in a project is completed and agree upon, the corked butt starts hedging.........and hemming and hawwwwing with trembling trepidations.

What if.........
Dont you think we need to........
What about........
I'm wondering..........
We forgot.........
Let's not get ahead of ourselves........
We need to consider......
Oh, wait a minute, we forgot to draw the happy face in the dot of the "i"
Can we review what we've done one more time? here's a worse combination..........anal retentive control freak worry wart. These people are named Superdeeduper Retenters. Though they are few and far between, I would highly recommend that you run for the hills if you happen to encounter this breed or else you'll get sucked into the island of Myopia where navel gazing competes with thumb twirling as preferred pastimes, where micromanagement is considered holy, where colouring outside of the lines is blasphemous. Egads!!! Its hell on earth!!

Unfortunately, I forgot to put on my running shoes....................

Unfortunately, I have spent a considerable amount of time assuaging a classic Retenter.........a considerable amount of my SPARE time. You see, I have another moniker besides Miss Muskie, and Awareness, the Motor Mouth Blogger Lady and Greatest Mom Ever, and Practically Perfect Wife and Lover, I also go by the title of President. In my so-called SPARE (insert coughing here) time, I am President...........with approval ratings much higher than Dubya down in Washington........... Yes it's true. I'm President of the Home and School committee at my son's school. Sure it's not as prestigious as say Pres. of the United States of America, but I think I can safely state that I have more friends..........

Usually this gig is manageable and fun. Over the years (this is my third was my daughter's elementary school first) I have met the most wonderful group of women.....funny that! ALL WOMEN! Where are the Daddio's when it comes to volunteering at the school?......anyways........I have met a group of wonderful women whose lives are as busy as mine.........most juggle home and work and various and sundry other extra a Home and School meeting is often a couple of hours of sharing funny stories and catching up as well as planning fundraisers and connecting with the teaching staff to learn of the highlights of the school day etc. There have actually been times when we moved the H&S meeting to a local pub......... Between the group of us over the years, we have been involved in raising thousands of dollars for this terrific school, all of which goes directly back to enhance the curriculum and materials.

All rewardingly good on many levels.................until I somehow managed to find myself in the middle of a controversy between Superdeeduper Retenter person who happens to run the school and the Treasurer............on the "best practises" of bookkeeping........... in other words......who signs the cheques? These are cheques for milk orders and hot lunch pizzas. These are cheques for teacher supplies and extra curricular stuff for the kiddies. We're not talking about Trump like millions here. Given that the Treasurer is an Accountant and Auditor, I was more than confident that she knew what she was doing. However, even though I knew the tendancies of Superdeeduper Retenter guy, I underestimated his pitbullness.

The Prez (me) frigged up by categorizing him as a mere Retenter................... a costly mistake, let me tell you. This little issue, which I thought was a fly by night minor one compared to the issues of world poverty, hunger, terrorism and war, AND I STILL DO BTW........this little issue has wreaked havoc since September on the wonderful relationships between Home and School.

I have tried various time consuming mediating tactics.

  • Recommend the two parties discuss the issue on their own.
  • Talk to both parties to see where the issue is
  • Listen to both sides
  • Ask advice from outside person
  • Put it on the agenda to discuss at a meeting (only to be ambushed by others with opinions)
  • Walk away and ignore it
  • Pray that other bigger issues take Superdeeduper attention away from it
  • Shut down and focus on Christmas
  • Listen some more.

smile, smile, smile..........


Last week, we had a closed meeting...........just the parents on the committee. We had a great lesson on accounting practises.......... and we made a maintain the status quo on the cheque signing. That meant that the Superdeeduper Retenter didn't have signing authority. As Prez, it was my job to let him know.

I contacted him the next day...............and talked on the phone. He was not a happy camper. No reassurances...........or acknowledgement of his side of the scenario was going to settle this issue in his perseverative brain. It was completely transparent to me that he was personally offended.....the issue had turned into a power tug of war issue. Short and sweet was the conversation. Then I followed up with a detailed email, highlighting important points but also directly acknowledging hurt feelings and stress etc between parties. I've shared this email with everyone involved. Now, I have been told has been forwarded to the Superintendent and the Chief Financial Officer of the school district.

For the love of God, I hope the Superintendent and the CFO have a heck of a lot more to do than be messing with this stupid issue. Kids are graduating illiterate for goodness sake..............

Can you see why I am recommending that we pass a law...........or at least for all our sakes we help them learn how to pass wind? Be careful where you are standing...............

PS. As I have been writing this post, I received an email with the minutes from the meeting attached. Turns out the secretary had her own conclusion to the issue........and wrote up minutes which indicate the OPPOSITE of what was agreed upon. She left a copy of it with the Superdeeduper Retenter today..........before they had been read and approved.

To quote the always eloquent ex-NDP leader and knitting enthusiast, Alexa McDonaugh......."Horseshit. Complete, total horseshit!"


Shaz said...

OMG and I was going to a Parents and committee meeting next Monday. I thought since both my kids were now in the same school(high school) I would again as I did with my older two become more involved. Mmmmmm I have IBS I so dont need that kinda stress. LOL that's ridiculous and almost funny, I hope it settles down These issues can sometimes get even nastier. Good Luck!!!!!!

Queen Mel said...

Hi Awareness, I would love to see your thoughts on my post today...I know you have wise words to pass forward.

Click on my name.

Rainbow dreams said...

Hi Dana,
when, and I am sorry, but when I stopped laughing, because your superdeeduper retenter description perfectly fits someone I know in a similar position of authority...

only then could I carry on and read the rest of your post.

How totally frustrating. Am hoping logic and common sense make a timely appearance and help sort things out.

And when you find the laxative of life, please share :)

Good luck, x

awareness said...

hey Shaz......proceed with caution!

Tay.....I read your post and left a comment. Bon chance. that not the funniest situation?? Honestly, I thought it would just go away.... apparently not. Apparently, the episode had to unfold as it did so it could become a funny blog post. who knows?

It has been frustrating, but theatre of the absurd is always the best ticket in town.

Oh, I'm so glad I made you laugh! That was my intention!!!


Sunny said...

I have to agree with Rainbow...I laughed, and laughed and laughed some more over this post. Superdeeduper Retenter...Classic!!!

These types of squabbles is exactly why I DON'T volunteer for stuff. It isn't worth it so far as I am concerned. A similiar thing happened to my husband in the lovely, uppitty little snot-nosed village where we currently (and stupidly) bought a home.

My husband and I wanted to register our son in Beavers. They told him that in order for him to be registered one of us had to volunteer because they were too full. My husband stepped forward and said he would. For the whole year he was an active volunteer and didn't really mind.
The next year everyone else pulled out and left him by himself. No volunteers to help, nobody to show him what was supposed to be done as the head leader of the troop. He hoonswingled 2 naive parents to assist him and the Beaver year began...but so too did the tongues of my fair little village.
I was going to school so he could not go to the Wednesday night leader meetings but one of the other leaders said he'd go and let him know what was going on. Yea right...this back-stabbing superdeeduper retenter would wait until the day of Apple Day to tell my husband "Oh yea, tonight is apple night and we're all supposed to meet..." The rest of his afternoon consisted of sheepishly calling parents and informing them of the activity and looking incompetent. Eventually this leader spread my husband's name through the dirt as being incompetent to the point that he will not volunteer for anything at all. Parents actually chose not to register their child in the Thursday night troop because they heard it was so disorganized and the leader incompetent...he was really hurt by this since the reality was that one of his leader's husband broke his back and she had to start working the Thursday shift at her job and the other had to undergo a heart transplant and was no longer able to volunteer. This left him all alone with a troop and no parents would step forward to help but would easily talk about him behind his back.
My village is full of retenters of every degree! If I didn't like my house so much I'd move.

awareness said...

hey sunny

That is a wickedly sad story. How mean!! It would make me feel gun shy about volunteering too.

Years ago when I ended up organizing the campaign week of a person running in a leadership race, SHE shall remain nameless.... :) ...... I was involved with a crew of people from your neck of the woods. Nice people, very tight knitted and not really that open to having a stranger (me) in their midst. I don't think they knew what to make of me........ at the time I had this amazing hot pink royal robbins dress and I wore big black dangling hoops etc.....they were vestie kind of people if you know what I mean.

Anyways........I remember one night during the preparations of the leadership convention when one of them told me that if I played my cards right, I could join their circle of friends. Honest to God! I felt like I was in middle school. This person was paying me a compliment....... that one day, I would fit in......

On the weekend of the convention, my mom and a friend came down from Ontario to join in the fun. One of the really important vestie people, well known in the city came by while I was standing with my Mom and friend.....we were in a busy hospitality suite I had organized. So, I introduced them and left to take care of something. When I got back, my mom was laughing and flustered at the same time because this "gentleman" waxed poetic about how shapely my breasts were.

How bizarre AND wacko is that??

Ah........volunteering can be an eye opening experience.

I still wanna be involved though.