Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Winge Factor...........

Yap, yap, yap .............winge, winge, winge
.Complain, comment, bellow, whine!
Nothing works! Nothing is right! Everything sucks!
Scream out your rights!

Talk radio. Incessantly irritatingly intimidatingly intrusive! It's a constant barrage of one dimensional opinionated bigoted bickering. It's disrespectful diatribe.

Now, I'm not one to keep my opinions to myself. And, I'm not one to believe that we can all hold hands and sing "We are the World" as a means to find peace in the world. Gee, I wouldn't be blogging now would I? But, I just don't get the entertainment value of listening to people who don't have anything better to do than to call the "Morning Man" to complain and to share their beligerent rants on the air.

What does listening to talk radio all day do to one's psyche? Does it not feed the negativity factor in someone? Does it not seep under your skin, like a festering pustulating boil and poison your system? What if you start listening to the opinionated radio guy when you already feel angry? How does this help someone find perspective?

Yeah, yeah.................don't listen. Well, I don't normally. I just happen to be surrounded by it over the past couple of days, and it has got me wondering about the whole business of talk radio. It obviously fills a void of some kind............a faster method than letters to the editor, in a world where we are inundated with lightening paced news production?

I'm all in favour of a good debate between two people who are articulate, witty, and well versed. But, I havent really heard anything on this talk radio station except redneck ranting, which is encouraged by the redneck D.J. guy. Blogging is so much quieter, isn't it?

Oh...................wait a minute!
Did I just hear that they are banning all smoking in Toronto the Good starting tomorrow night? Did I just hear that one can't even have a smoke in their own car? What? Did Redneck D.J. guy just rhyme off the new politically correct gone awry law which states that you will be fined if you light up anywhere within the borders of Hogtown? Well! I've got something to say about that, dammit! Who do they think the are? What a load of horseshit! I can just see it now.............the city will be swarmed with armed by-law enforcers dressed in virginal white patrolling back alleys and parks looking for those nasty good for nothing smokers who are polluting the air and putting holes in our ozone! Don't they have anything better to do? Why don't they start hosing down the gangs that seem to be still in control of certain parts of the city? Why don't they start making large corporations that belch out disgusting amounts of toxic chemicals into the air and into Lake Ontario? Gee........................I have a lot to say.....................
Where is that phone number? I feel this adrenaline surge to share my opinion with the rest of Southern Ontario!

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