Thursday, May 18, 2006

Supporting our Troops

I have spent this early morning reading various articles on the Parliamentary vote yesterday on whether or not to support Canadian efforts in Afghanistan, and I am left with a sense of disgust and disdain.

The Jack Layton and his rousing band of NDP'ers are beyond the pale. First off, they believe in helping the "oppressed" and have in the past expressed the need for Canada to be involved in the fight against the Taliban on behalf of the Afghan people. And yet, once the going gets tough, they want to run away and let some other country get their hands dirty? The emotional flip flopping on policy and issues just makes this party look Sybil-like, as this leader continues to talk out of both sides of his mouth........... Or maybe Layton's ADHD doesn't allow him to look at more than one issue at a time? Afghanistan..........been there, done lets move onto Darfur?

We're needed in both places.................

There are times when the little yappy dog approach is needed in parliament to nip at the heels of governance. This is not one of those opportunities. Their whole approach and the fact that they voted against supporting our actively ensconced troops smacks of the spineless political postering that seems to be the "new normal" in Ottawa.

The Liberals? Excuse me.................. but who sent the troops in the first place? Without any debate? Who missed the vote yesterday............ ahem............ Paul Martin......... ?? Is there anyone out there who really believes that most of these MP's genuinely voted without thinking that their vote was tied into the next election? This party, which continues to waffle and wallow while their members duke it out over a Leadership race cannot be believed when it comes to sincerity. Andy Scott, who happens to be my Member of Parliament at the moment ..... former Cabinet Minister for the defeated Liberal party .... whose riding includes the LARGEST armed forces base in the Country, CFB Gagetown, voted against extending our role in Afghanistan.

What a shameful slap in the face of the troops and their families.

I hate the whole idea of war. I hate the fact that anyone has to go to battle. I hate the fact that there will always be psychotic evil lurking in various hot spots around the world........ that we are now living in a world that is being tossed on it's side by extremists and terrorists. There are days I want to just put my head in the sand and not think about it anymore. But, how does that help, really? No, it doesn't.
We are members of a global community. This country is not exempt from attacks. How alone would this country be if we decided to pull out of Afghanistan now and turn our backs on the people of that country who are trying to resurrect it from rubble? Pretty darn alone!!!
Afghanistan needs our support. Our troops need our support. Until every child can safely attend school; until every woman can freely choose to work and study outside of their home; until teachers are safely able to do their jobs without the fear of being beheaded .......... until the government is established, and democracy is up and running ........ until the economy isn't reliant on opium sales ............ we need to stay.
And while our "unnofficial and official" Opposition politicians in Ottawa continue to navel gaze and posture for posterity, let us fly our flag proudly in honour of Captain Nichola Goddard today, and send prayers to her family and friends.

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