Sunday, May 25, 2008

a time for every purpose.......

Thoughts generated remain completely abstract until they are expressed and acted upon. I'm a good thinker, but when it comes to putting things into action sometimes, I seem to get lost in the myriad of good intentions. My brain constantly churns out ideas. It's like an idea machine on most days, and every now and then it can harness one of them and move on it. But most of the time, it feels like a logjam in there. This is where I am today..........sitting atop a logjam.

Writing certainly helps, as does talking something through. But the real key to uncluttering the mind is to DO. To ACT. There is no substance in life if one simply remains in the realm of rumination. Meaning, which only really grabs hold of our realization and understanding at the end of our lives, consists of a series of events, moments, connections which for the most part seem compartmentalized and filed away separately.
In order to even catch a glimpse at the mystery behind the meaning of our lives, we have to be brave enough to allow our thinking and our feelings to be turned into doing. I certainly don't want to reach the end of my tether with a bunch of thoughts in my head that havent had a chance to move beyond early germination. And yet most of the time, I can't seem to get going. I feel paralyzed by my own "too many thoughts and ideas........."

If I want to get myself all riled up, all I have to do is remain in that mind puddle and never get to the point where I can reflectively say...............this is what I was meant to do. The problem seems like I am meant to do so many brain churning out ideas upon ideas, upon ideas............and I often don't have a clue which one to tug on the hardest so that I CAN fufill whatever destiny God has intended.

Sitting atop a logjam..........wondering which direction to take and getting sweet frig all done on any front. Lovely! Thank God at least for the view.


Rainbow dreams said...

There is a lot to be said for a good view to throw our thoughts out to and hope for a reply....

or just to sit and enjoy it for what it is...

mind if I pull up a chair and sit a while with you?

awareness said...

yes, do come join me Katie.

I am trying to figure out the reply to my thoughts.....after much walking and doing and thinking, i find it very strange that the words are not so forthcoming. i wasn't expecting that.