Friday, May 23, 2008

blessed longing.

"True vitality is hidden within longing. When you give into creative passion, it will bring you to the ultimate thresholds of transfiguration and renewal. This growth cause pain, but it is sacred pain. It would be much more tragic to have cautiously avoided these depths and remained marooned on the shiny surfaces of the banal." John O'Donahue.

Longing can be painful.......grasping for what you want, knowing it may be a distant shore, you best keep swimming even if your arms and legs tire......even if your head feels soggy. If one can keep a clear path to that creative passion nestled in the essence of our being, somehow the adrenaline which feeds the vitality will help keep us afloat.

Longing may be painful, as Father O'Donahue states, but the option of resting on the shores of the banal isn't in my repetoire. I want to dive off that darn banal dock into that canal and go for a swim, even if I have to float on my back every now and then.


JP/deb said...

Just catching up on your blog, Dana ... what wonderful pics of London and I could feel the energy of your experience through your words. Resting on the shores of the banal is definitely not your path. Keep living, feeling, expressing, growing, and jumping into the depths of your creative passion. xx, JP/deb

Shaz said...

babe no chance to enjoy your trip yet with Ben still in hospital but soon. I cant wait xxx

Under there... said...

Welcome home Dana. That amazing photo in this post sure stirs holy longings in me. Thank you for the glimpses into London's architecture. Wonderful posts!

The Harbour of Ourselves said...

it's the longing that causes one foot to move forward, even if as mr springsteen says, we take two back....

awareness said...

deb...i have to catch up on your blog too! My trip was wonderful...still reeling from that and all that has happened here too. Big energy!

Yes banal doesn't even sit right when i'm pronouncing it.

Shaz.....your news completely clobbered me. Tell Ben to heal quickly and get home.....perhaps some Shazzie belly dancing for him will do the trick. :)

Tim...I love this's Westminster Abbey.... thank you.
ps. i think you and your family must start planning your pilmgrimmage to the old country soon.

Paul...i think that's the cha cha.....maybe just the dance of life.....taking those steps are always easier when put to music, when done with a friend too.

....can't tell you how wonderful it is to see your smiling blog name here. welcome've made my day.