Tuesday, December 04, 2007

snow photos....for my UK, Aussie, and USA friends

snowdrifts on the rooftops

Evergreen in our front yard laden down with winter.

Man it feels too early for this.

Springhill Road, unploughed.
We won't see the pavement on this stretch until spring.

Lily making her way down Springhill Road. She didn't make it much farther.....she promptly turned back at me and jumped through the drifts like an otter. Needless to say, the photos of her jaunt were too blurry to keep.

snow fence along the way.


Rainbow dreams said...

THANK YOU... so beautiful....:)

just want to play......but don't want to ruin the perfection... dilemma...x

BreadBox said...


awareness said...

katie....felt the same way...didn't want to disturb the snow, but then I couldn't help myself. Lily and I trudged through some deep drifts. Amazing how much fell in one night.

N..... :) I'll be snivelling about it by mid Feb. that's for sure....around the time you will be able to post blossomy things to get me back.

Disillusioned said...

Wonderful photos - thank you. Now if I could just work out a why of escaping here and going there...

Julie said...

Wow! lovely. x