Fatigue may get the most of me before I can push publish tonight but I find blogging to be a great way to reflect, refresh and reframe the day. Especially if it is a brain stretching, bone bending, heart tugging, active listening, talk chattering jam packed kind of day. My workday began at 8 am and ended at 9 pm. I think I ate lunch. I know I drank tea. I think I walked the dog.
Counselling, teaching, coaching, presenting
information sharing, crisis intervention,
appointment booking, emailing
reacting, preventing, responding,
wondering about the strange man who gives me weird looks like he doesn't know what to make of me.
I shared a poem about what its like to sit on the other side of the desk.
I quoted a beautiful piece by John O'Donohue
I introduced a class to Jean Vanier.
The most important lesson I imparted today? The kindest thing you can do for someone is to listen to their stories.
Listen with open eyes, ears and heart.....
I didn't get through my to do list. I'm proud that I even made a to do list. I realize I have too many balls to juggle that I must write out a list or the tasks go right out of my mind and out the window.
Becoming Human......
Praying Naked......
Search for Meaning
Shoeless Joe.
choices are all ours.......no one can choose for you.
no one can change your behaviour.
no one MAKES you feel something.
You choose
You choose....
I'm falling asleep.........there's no stopping me.....
5 words to describe how I am, where I am.........who I am....
dancing like no one's watching.............you can if you want......
I am loving all the work I'm involved in. I am SO happy to be. I am SO happy to be Counselling at the College, even if it knocks the energy right out of my socks. Tonight, while driving home after teaching my night class (lovin' that one too) I listened to The Philosopher's Stone by Van Morrison.......stunning song. I fell into the harmonica which always sounds best during night driving.
the stars are out in full regalia.....
I walked my dog under the milky way.....
I'm off to dreamland....any moment........
So good to hear you happy with your new position.
Van Morrison is ALWAYS a fantastic listen! :D
Sounds like a perfect day! Exhausted from doing things we love, walking under the stars, wonderful music....Perfect!
Sleep Well :D
Its so lovely to hear your happiness. May it go one for ever, changing, reforming, winding round your life, like mist! But never disappearing.
PS loved the photo of your daughter and friend. Wonderful girls, and a super photo
Scarletina....thanks :) Van is never too far away. That particular song just does something to me every single time I listen to it.
ChicGeek...it was, but some flaws too. I was so exhausted teaching last night that I didn't feel completely "on..." Next time. :)
Gilly...thank you....let it all unfold. I really do love that photo too. I think its time to upgrade that girl's camera. She has a birthday coming up and I want to find one that will allow her to pursue her love of photography. right now, she just has a small little canon.
busy is a blessing, this I know
Ummmm there seems to be somethimg missing but just so you know...it was hilarious once I understood.
Your words, all 5 of them, are right where you would expect them to be if you get what I mean :)
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