Wednesday, September 03, 2008

ego, definitions and sticky labels

We are what we believe we are
C.S. Lewis

There is a real eagerness as well as pressure from ourselves and others to grab hold of a label or two as a means to define oneself and then to try our very best to stay within the parameters of those darn labels. It makes it easier to "understand" ourselves and others if we know that perhaps we have some of the same stickers on our foreheads or that perhaps our most visible labels are widely different. We THINK we know how to handle the other person. We BELIEVE we know what is expected of ourselves. Then we become walking, talking, thinking, feeling, doing self-fulfilling prophesies don't we? I give you what you give me what I want and we leave it at that.

Spontaneity and authenticity not to mention genuineness only amount to fleeting concepts in this kind of awareness encounter. It seems to me that when this occurs, especially in a long term more meaningful relationship with someone, it marks the beginning of the end especially if the labels are negatively perceived or even perceived as having an expiry date. If there is no growth, no ongoing transformation recognized, we grow weary. Judgement, accusations, criticism festers under these circumstances. If we are expected "to be" one thing and we don't provide this, or we provide it in a different capacity than what is expected, we are dismissed, passed up, ignored. We don't fit the little box they have put us in.

Labels and defining ourselves is more pervasive than just scratching the surface because they impact our feelings and how we act. What we think about ourselves, how we perceive it is all tied in with the judgement of ourselves and from others. We can get holy wrapped in this cellophane, stamped with an expiry date because what happens is that there doesn't seem to be any new growth. We can't see it in ourselves, or worse we stop trying to evolve through personal learning, and others only see us as as a piece of driftwood rather than a living tree. Growth is life. You stop growing, you stop living. Might as well be a shell of your own existance.

We are like sponges soaking in other's perceptions of who we are, what we represent, where we fit in the greater scheme of things, and what makes us tick. Though I believe we are all born with certain gifts which if we are lucky match our personalities and the careers somehow float down into, we are more than what we do for a living, or do as human beings. However, some of our "labels" are deeply imbedded and they do impact the vibes we send out to the world and what we have to offer to others. Though they change shape by the opportunities we seek out to offer them up, they are honed by the amount of use they get and the amount of awareness one has of these particular label gifts.

So much of what we read and see these days on television encourages us to strip away all of our labels because they represent what is termed "ego," and portend to be in the way of ourselves "be"-coming more compassionate for others and for ourselves. Our egos act as hard shells that encase the way we see the world, and the way we see ourselves in the world and they are fed by the labels we stick on your foreheads and parade around. We are encouraged to speak the words "I am" and not add a descriptive to the end of the two words because it allows us to delve deeper into a spiritual core which emanates within us rather than skim our external surfaces to find meaning.

Don't you find it all so confusing?? I mean on one hand, definitions seem to be what people expect and on the other hand we are told that we minimalize ourselves, we compartmentalize ourselves and our way of looking at the world if we use labels.

I am.

I am.

I am.

I am what? Some floating unanchored being?

I dont know if I would ever be able to do this consistently, and I don't know if I want to. The very idea makes me light headed, like I've lost my footing as well as the oxygen to breathe. Having no focal point to describe myself dislodges the anchor that keeps me from floating away. Maybe I'm just too conditioned to strip away "ego." Maybe I am not quite a believer, but it seems to me that this ego offers anchoring balance and perspective, and yet I know that for much of my adulthood I have been involved in a dance of trying to figure out who I am through what i do. I always figured that if I could figure it out perhaps I would find that sense of inner settling I long for. Now, it seems I've gone about it all wrong.

What I do is not who I am. I am not what I do. I guess. Heck, who the hell knows anymore??

It's all so daunting to rip the labels off the forehead and wander nakedly amongst the ether of spiritual awakening! Can I just hold onto a few of those labels? Or maybe I could simply define myself as a human being who just happens to love counselling and teaching? Can I just have one day when I can call myself a writer? I won't burn in hell for doing that now would I? My ego and me have been friends for a while. It's hard to say goodbye to him.

Funny that i see my ego attached to something masculine. It does seem like a boy word. hmmm........


OldLady Of The Hills said...

This is all very interesting, my dear. I feel like from my perspective at the age I am now, I am what I do. My life has been devoted to creating---in Composing, Writing, Painting, Singing, Photography, etc. These expressions of my inner self truly saved my life. Having the luxury to devote my life to "creating"...well, I am deeply deeply grateful for that. Is that ego? I have no idea. All I know is: It Is The Truth. I'm nolt that my expressing this here in response to what you have written is helpful to anyone else in any way...but, I know that ALL I have created throughout my 77 years is absolutely the purest of exprfessions. I'm not imitating anyone or trying to be "popular", etc. The need to give expression to all that is inside me was and is so strong that I couldn't have done anything else and survived.
Does that make sense? Well, it does to!
Defining what it all means? Not possible. It just is what it is, and to me, that is the Beauty of it. And, also, it has always been the actual doing of it all that is the true pleasure and the fun and even when it is hard....The Great Reward.
Your posts are always so provocative my dear....It does set one off on all sorts of innner trips!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I have no idea what the word "nolt" was supposed to! TYping so fast I often make a lot of mistakes...And this is one that I cannot correct because I do not know what it was supposed to be! OY! (lol)

Karen said...

I don't believe we are necessarily what we do though certainly it has to be part of us by virtue of the fact that it's how we spend a lot of our time. I certainly don't define myself that way. I truly believe we can be whoever we want to be if the desire is strong enough and the heart really wants it.

I think you know yourself better than almost anyone I know Dana. You epitomise the word awareness even if you don't necessarily feel that yourself. Perhaps that is a label I am lumbering you with but I believe in you and deep in your heart I think you believe in you too. And if you don't....maybe I need to come over there and give you a good talking to :)

The House on Big Island said...

Well, here I am again..... perhaps not wanted or not terribly preceptive.....

I am thinking, as I write, about the nights we spent on Sherbourne Lake - having arrived in canoes, collecting firewood and living the most entrancing moments that one could experience - under the stars - above the clearest waters that could exist.

I belive that the "old lady of the hills" must have struck gold. She talks about living a life that is real....that is her!

I think that you, that we must all, recognize the wonder of what we have accomplished, to reach some sense of satisfaction.

You have two wonderful children and a husband that loves you....without measure...and you love him. You are a blessed individual. What more can you achieve....I don't know.

Call me old fashioned...or whatever you may...but I believe that you can accomplish what you will. Set your mind to it, Muskie, and you can do it.

Therefore, I think that sometime, your version of procrastination is to fall back into your writing. But, I know, that YOU...know exacty who you need no labels or validation...just be yourself - someone whom many love - a fantastic mother and wife - and a person that. despite labels, can provide an inspiration to many.


With all of my love,


BreadBox said...

I frequently quote Richard Bach to people when they put themselves down
(I *think* that the quote is from Illusions, but there are similar sentiments expressed in JLSeagull): "argue for your limitations, and sure enough they are yours". Whenever someone tells me "I can't do it", and it is something I know that they have in them, it makes me want to say it.
I do abstain occasionally from quoting it, mainly to avoid getting beaten up by angry friends...


awareness said...

Naomi. Creating truly is the purest of expression of what is inside us. I love's funny, i was at my son's new school the other day for a meet the teacher. They were asking for volunteers for their home and school committee, which I had run for years at my children's earlier school. I had no intentions of putting my name forward for it, but something grabbed hold of me and all of a sudden I realized it was fall and I had this URGE to get involved in order to "create" something for the big school event in November. I also got my watercolours out on the weekend to create. I find this time of year is when those juices kick in too along with my writing.
Gypsy.....Like you, I don't necessarily define myself that way. I had been looking through a couple of books this weekend and talking to a colleague about stripping away ego down to our "essence" defining ourselves is just a way of encasing ourselves in this ego thing. It tied in with the couple of weeks I have endured. Hence the post.
I dont know how aware I really am.....I do feel that I'm awake and consequently more apt to see things with a different clarity than I used to. Good and bad. :)

awareness said... are always wanted on the voyage! I had a few of those Sherbourne moments on the weekend in Nova Scotia.......a little different than Haliburton clarity, but a campfire with my family and a stunning view of the tides seemed to feed me that same as it once did at kawabi.
Life is full on right now, while trying to overcome a recent personal diminshment experience. Had applied for another counselling position and wasn't even considered for the shortlist. This was a blow especially due to the circumstances. But one of the things that came out of it besides a few tears, some rage, were a few helpful conversations with friends. I was given some direction I needed with my writing which has begun to unstick me. I also am finding my energy again to branch out. Am taping with the parent panel crew with CBC today....have a quick trip planned at the end of Sept to see family for a 50 anniversary....AND to catch up with a few Kawabi kindreds....Skagg, Wasabun and hopefully sir Luten. All good stuff.....stirring and churning stuff. :) I am in the planning stages with a colleague to deliver a great course on Conflict Resolution in October. Timely and interesting. She and I haven't delivered training together in a while and I've missed it. We are a good team.

Have you read the Eckhart Tolle? I was skimming it over the weekend.....this is where some of this post came from....that and most definately trying to let go of the lastest setback in the pursuit to find a new work home.

Thank you for all that you've shared with me here and I LOVE that you have a light shining on me and caring Daisy. It is deeply appreciated. xx Muskie.

awareness said...

Nice...I like the quote and won't beat you up. Promise. It's been a long time since I read Bach's illusions......should pick it up again. Spent some of Saturday sitting on a cliff in the sun looking down at the outgoing tide in Chegnecto Bay in NS.....watching Jonathon Seagull and friends soar and stream with the winds. It was wonderfully a tan too!
Thankyou N. I appreciate your kind words. Now, I'm off to stretch beyond limitations! Carpe Diem!

Marja said...

Labels are indeed very hard to change I notice this when I come back to my hometown. i get treated like the person I was long time ago and it feels very enstranged.
It also feels good because it is proof that i've moved on. I think that who you are can be the same as what you do, only if what you do feels like who you are. If you've found your mission; if you got an intuition that what you do feels right and you feel love for it I think that's part of who you are, no matter what you do.
Of course it is a whole journey to find out who you really are and follow your heart.
I think you are very aware of your journey and an explorer which helps you to find new and exciting horizons.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Wow!!!! What a writer you are!!

Merci Beaucoup!!

awareness said...

Marja....its always fascinated me how we revert back to our roles when we return "home" others too expect us to be the same despite time passing and experiences we have encountered.

Charles...merci to you too. boy, I miss your window taps and our off the record chats. :) My building is all gone, n'est pas?
Now, your "label" is embroidered to your baseball cap and jacket, Monsieur bonhomme Blogger. It's difficult to ignore that. lol.
I think I need my own baseball cap with blogger written on it....or maybe it should say.....Blogette


Blog Princess


Blog Diva.

I think I like Diva best.

Are you going to the Harvest jazz festival? Will be out and about downtown on the Saturday night.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Nope!!!! I was denied a media pass by the snobs so therefore there won't be one single picture of the festival this year.

As a matter of fact? I'm planing to leave the City on Friday to make certain I don't take any for the blog.