Thursday, September 11, 2008

My New Year.

I would love to live
like a river flowing
carried by the surprise
of its own unfolding

John O'Donahue

It's morning though the darkness still hangs her drapes closed longer as a means of letting us know that the autumn splendour is working behind the scenes preparing to begin her show. A sneak peak of orange moves up from the horizon. Summer hangs on producing the harvest of her season. Transition seems to be in the air all around us, which induces reflections and forward thinking. It's difficult to be in the moment while going through a transitional period. I wonder why that it the comfort level? Fear of the unknown? Our desire to plan ahead as an instinctive means of survival? I don't know.
Birthdays too are transitional touchstones in our lives. They are like our personal New Year's....a time of reflection and of looking forward, wondering how the year will unfold.........wondering what is in store. Today is my New Year's. I turn 48 today. And as I write this while watching the sun begin to rise with the drapes of night lifting up to allow for a new September day to unfold, I smile in anticipation.

Soon, the river below my house will be visible for me to see. Soon it will unfold as it always does, carrying surprises in its flow. I will continue to learn to strive to do the same thing.

It's a beautiful morning, and new beautiful new year.........fresh and vital in its early unfolding. I will enjoy this day and all that it offers. I will be looking towards the future too because today I open a special savings account to save the money to attend the next Greenbelt Festival in August 2009. I will be there to take it all in, and to sip some Cointreau with a few beautiful friends.
Carpe Diem.


Rainbow dreams said...

That is one of my favourite quotes from John O'Donohue - well, one of the ones that sticks in my head anyhow - it's how I would love to live, or maybe live to love :)

Happy Birthday, see you next year then, x

carmilevy said...

May this year continue to bring you every last morsel of richness that life can deliver. More than most people that I know, you manage to squeeze more our of your days. It's always an inspiration to read something you've written, because it forces me to think about what I need to be doing in my own life, too.

Happy birthday...and thank you for making even everyday days cool.

Bar L. said...

Happy Birthday, dear friend. My life has been enriched by knowing you. That sounds sappy but its TRUE. I wish you the very best this year in every area of your life!

Marja said...

Happy birthday Dana. Hope you have a great day. May the flow of your river take you to the best places including the greenbelt festival. Good luck and cheers

awareness said... is a quote I have only heard him say out loud in an interview he gave with the CBC program Tapestry. I havent ever seen it in his writing. Have you?

Carmi...i may squeeze it out, but i simply crashed tonight!! Fatigue gripped me for some reason.....sometimes it simply comes to a halt. However today was a busy one and a fulfilling one I like it. I'm much better multi-tasking than attempting one thing at a time....have always been like that, but there are many days when I end up coming home without another word left in me to utter.

thank you so much for your kind words Carmi. You always make me smile.

Layla....thank you California girl! I feel the same way about you.....always love our cyberchats and where they take us in the looking forward to the New Year.

Marja....thank that's an idea.....If I just get in a dinghy and set it on the river eventually it will lead to the Atlantic Ocean from my river and I can sail it across the "pond" to the UK. It is connected, albeit a far sail. However, I do have a year.... Don't know if my family would like that mode of transportation though and I plan to take them with me. :)

cheers everyone. thank you.

Robert said...

Happy Birthday dana!!!! I love the butterflies!!! Your writing has bneen such a plethora of incredible glimpses into sights,sounds and wonders of this tapestry called life. Thank you for sharing your voice as powerfullyas you do dear dana!!! May this new year ahead bring you continual renewal and refreshment as you carry on sharing your *awareness* with us all!! xx

PBS said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had a good day and will have a wonderful upcoming year!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

A Belated Happy Birthdfay to you my dear....! I Love that you see it as your "New Years"....And it is true. It is a New Year for you, and for each of us when our Birthdfay comes round...! I hope you had a lovely day spent with loved ones, and a bit of cake, too!

Marja said...

Dana I've got an award for you. Come and pick it up dear

JP/deb said...

May the coming year bring much peace, happiness and joy. How wonderful that you've started saving for the festival - wonderful to look forward!


awareness said...

Thank you everyone.....I appreciate all your best wishes comments and emails.


Rainbow dreams said...

hi dana, not sure if I have seen it written down, thought I might have but perhaps not.. just sticks in my head :)

awareness said...

katie......his words are such poetry and when i first heard him say it, the poetry just popped right out of his conversation. Since then, I have looked for the words in his writing and have never been able to find it.

Karen said...

I'm always the last one to arrive at the party. Some one would say I just like to make an entrance but that's not true...I'm justalways late. Ha. So sorry I missed your birthday Dana but I hope you had a wonderfully special day dear friend.