They learned to read on the laps of their parents and continue to escape into the world of a good story. During my snap happy trip around my friend's home, I stumbled quietly across the relaxed silence of these two friends. They had both just bought the same new book, the most recent publication from a sequel which had it's midnight delivery last night. Rivetted and oblivious to others, including me the one with the nosey camera, these two beautiful young women were in the reading zone. Don't you love it when you find a book you just want to devour?? Time seems to stand still and all sensory energy is integrated into just one thing.........inhaling the words.
Dont they look absolutely content?
Two young bookends, both reading the same novel........both absorbed in there own reading world.
This littler one, below? I found her curled up on the couch downstairs. Close to falling asleep, she too had found that the very best place to be. .... with one's nose in a book.
May we always find our way into a story while we continue to write our own. May we always realize how books are dear friends, forever reliable.
my parents are over at the moment and the only bad thing, the only negative i can really find about how they raised me and 'our kid' was that we were never introduced or encouraged to read... i do lament that as literature, whether it be Blyton, Dahl, william or anyone else is truly one of the greatest resources and gifts we have been blessed with
I love to see kids read.. in fact I love being with people who are reading..
I have one young bookworm and the other who takes more encouraging, although the key has to be the right book and then even he's lost in it.
I used to spend hours after lights out with my torch under the covers reading...just one more page..!
I still don't know if my parents knew or not :)
lovely images
paul...I couldnt agree more. I grew up surrounded by books and reading material, both of which followed me as an adult. I love to read, though find that my reading time has fallen off the shelf due to writing. Plus, I used to spend most of it ensconced in fiction. Now, not so much. It's a different frame of mind needed for these separate pursuits and i find it difficult to turn off the churning writing mind for the peaceful reading mind and have been lured towards non-fiction and faith based books to feed my present thoughts.
My own home also spills books.... One of the nicest scenes most recently was observing my own two comfortably cozy in their own corners of the house lost in their own choice of reads. They have both found the key to the solace of a novel. Though i do miss reading aloud with them, they will come find either me or their Dad to talk about what they had just read....... was a treat to find these girls lost in the words, as was my own for a while last night on another couch. I neglected to take a photo of her. She's reading Go Ask Alice right now, wanted to finish it last night so she could jump into the same book (Twilight?) as the other two girls were enjoying.
The parents? We were all on the back porch enjoying libations and a wonderful summer evening. No beautiful sunsets to report last night.......but still the view from where we were sitting was spectacularly serene. Pictures to follow there too.
You photographs in this post are wonderful. I almost feel the need to lay back and be lazy with my nose in a book. So wonderful to see young people reading!!
I grew up with a nose in a book thanks to my Dad. It was one of the best gifts he gave me, the appreciation for a book, any book, all books. My daughter has taken after me. Perhaps because I began to read to her when she was in my belly. At night she has a cup of water, froggy and a book. She takes one everywhere we go "just in case I want to read Mommy." I hope her passion for books never dies. Something tells me it never will.
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