Monday, July 28, 2008

destination greenbelt.....someday....

Dreams, like thoughts need to be spoken, written, owned
sewed into the fabric of destiny.
Photos elude my dreams
captured only by the expanse of the imagination
fueled by lyrical descriptions and poetic harmony
where worship spills out in tender cadences
among the sea of receiving minds.
I've been told the air is thin
allowing gasps of reverence to filter in scoring beauty
like jetstreams crisscrossing a clear blue sky
like orange wisps reaching out of the morning dew
like a hummingbird tickling nectar from a pink flower
like a smile, eternally soaked by tears of recognition
If I close my eyes, I can see
the deep green of late summer
a cup filled with the warmth of cointreau cheer
fluttering coloured ribbons touching from the breezes
a buffet of venues under sunshine bigtops
a hand held out for me to hold
and one which guides.
If I open my ears, I can hear
songs of hurt, hope and hallelujah
comforting silence floating in midair
deep discourse reaching level 5 feelings
and words smothered in an embracing welcome.

Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time.
Dreams are within walking distance if you know which way to go.
I will walk on.
I will walk on.
shalom. shalom.


urbanmonk said...

Wow! The camera has been working overtime!!

awareness said...

Hey Monk! I've been messing around all night trying choose the right photo for the header.....was thinking about a different template too, but I decided to keep the blues and greens.....

i'm such a troglodyte when it comes to this techie bs. i'd like to widen the whole blog to cover the width of the screen but i don't know how to do that.

urbanmonk said...

Keep the Blues Dana! they are good for the soul strings:)

Ive been reading your blog header for ages, and that quote just struck me for the first time:)Learning with out silence... Worship without awareness. Theres waaaaaay too much of that in our world:)

Michael K. Althouse said...

This is very nice Dana. And nice photos, too. It's been a while - glad to see the butterfly's wings are still flapping!


awareness said...

Monk....isn't that a great quote? It has been the "theme" and much of the drive behind what I have written, or at least where I have started when I've written something. Interesting that you've just read it. It's a good thing then that I changed the header. :)

I highly recommend the book....Awareness by Anthony de Mello.'s great to see you here in comment land again. Yes, my wings are still a flappin'..... who knew the journey would continue? Glad to know you're out there still writing away and living it out loud. :)

awareness said...

monk.......yes, the blues are good for the soul! in fact, i think the blues are inspirational. they always pull me into the realm of creativity.

Anonymous said...

it seems you have described that greatest of belts called green.... and you have done so very very well. me thinks one day you will drink deeply of it

awareness said...

paul....was going to write that i hope so, but instead will write....

i know so.......

it will be well worth the long walk.....

Marja said...

Absolutely the stuff I love. A magical poem Just what I needed (plus the warmth of quantreau cheer) because one of my homekids is hard work lately