Sunday, August 19, 2007

Grace Notes

a view from my writing chair, PEI 2007

What makes a song memorable? What turns a typical day into a gem? What moves an ordinary event into a standout moment? It's the awareness of the grace notes found within the soundtrack of our lives. Have you recogized one lately? Your child's first pop fly catch in left field....a spontaneous conversation in the checkout line.....the comfortable silence with an old friend.....a favourite tune on the car radio just when you needed a lift.....the first spring crocus poking through the snow......all gentle enhancements of our life journeys which send a plink to our hearts. Grace notes add the "extra" onto "ordinary" and leave us wanting more.

This is the introduction to my new blog, Grace Notes, on the CanadaEast website. YES! I was selected. It's officially up and running tomorrow, but it looks like it's accessible now, so I've posted my first piece...........I would LOVE it if you visited. I don't think one can leave a comment on the site unless you're a subscriber (which btw I'm not either :) but I'm pushing to fix this oversight on their part. If they want interaction, they have to open it up to bloggers for goodness sake.

My plan is to post regularly Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (their high read days). I hope you will visit me there. I will set up a link on my sidebar once I'm sure their site is really set up properly. So, in the meantime...........introducing a kindred to Awareness.......... Grace Notes. I'm very excited.

Just click on the Blog name......and you will find yourself there!! Let me know what you think............. :)

Thanks everyone......


Rainbow dreams said...

It's fantastic Dana, love it...x congratulations

kenju said...

Congratulations on being chosen to do it! I would love to be able to get it through Bloglines, just as I do your blog here. And they certainly need to let people leave can they tell you their stories if they can't leave it for you?

mks said...

I love your new site but could not figure out how to register so I could comment. I love the first entry - amazing perspective.

awareness said... very excited. It feels a little more public that's for sure... :)

Judy....yeah, I don't quite get that. But the site is a subscriber site for some reason, but I was under the impression that the blogs would be a feeder for people possibly interested in subscribing or something. If they want interaction, they need to rethink. however, they are new to the blog thing, so I have a feeling it may change.

mks....thank you and welcome.. will check out your blog soon. btw the comment thing is quite needs to be simplified.

Karen said...

Congratulations on your new site and Congrats on being Michele's site of the day! A double honor, wouldn't you say?

And I love the intro - it's just perfect!

Michele sent me. Have a great day!

kenju said...

Im back, via Michele. Congrats on being her site of the day!

Michael K. Althouse said...

How exciting! And now it gets even better for you, dear Dana, have been selected as Michele's SOTD!!

Yes, it's a good day...

Michele sent me,


michelle said...

what a wonderful view you have! congrats on sotd and on your new blog!
michele sent me

MaR said...

Beautiful picture! congrats on the new blog, I am going over for a visit right now. Congrats on being Michele's site of the day :)

gautami tripathy said...

Congratulations for being the SOTD at michele's.

That picture is lovely.

The Harbour of Ourselves said...

well done you.....great title!!!!

ps, who is this michelle???

Star said...

THe new site is terrific. Best of luck. Michele sent me.

Bernie said...

Two great achievments, SOTD at Micheles, and being selected over at Canada East!

Well done (and I loved the photo)!

Here from MIchele's this evening...

awareness said...

wow! what a wonderful way to start a Monday morning! And what a nice surprise. Welcome everyone and thank you. :)

Paul....loving the title! I'll send you Michele's blog address.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Hey, congrats on being chosen for this -- and for being Michele's site of the day!! Looks like this new blog is already bringing you good karma -- seems like it's much deserved, too.

Karen said...

Congratulations on both counts Dana, on CanadaEast and Michelle's blog site of the day (But who is Michelle??). Do you feel different when you write for CanadaEast than when you write on Awareness. I was just wondering if you felt more pressure to "perform" so to speak. I loved your first post and I'm sure you will be a HUGE success.

Dustin said...

Congrats, Dana!

That's very exciting. Good luck!

BreadBox said...

Michele sent me today (as in I clicked her link rather than using the bookmark I have:-) to tell you congratulations on three counts:
first, being selected by Canada East (to provide them with free content --- good luck with getting to the next step and being a freelance writer!)
second, on being chosen as Michele's site of the day!
third, on being such a wonderful writer -- I find your posts are always stimulating sometimes joy, sometimes tears, but always thoughts.


Bobkat said...

Congratulations! I promise I will check your new site out very soon. How exciting for you. Well done.

I had made a promise to drop by here more often and now Michele has sent me back again!

Linda said...

Bonjour, Awareness!

I was pleased as punch that Michele sent me here today, as I am a New Brunswick native!!! I was born in Edmundston, and still have family in that area, though I am a Kansan right now (due to military!) Congratulations on being the SOTD at Michele's, and congratulations on being selected for the CanadaEast website!!!

Janet said...

The weather provided a grace note to a wedding I photographed Saturday. It made things all the more gorgeous!

Hi, Michele sent me :-)

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

ARRRGGGGGGGGG!!!! My favorite bureaucrat is an Irving employee!!!!!

Calm down Charles...Go read God's Minute!!!


I wonder why the Irvings turned me down????


Good for you and I hope you all the best!!!!

Natsthename said...

Hi, Michele sent me. And I will certainly check out your music post, since I'm a big music freak!

MissMeliss said...

Michele sent me to wish you luck on the new blog, which I've bookmarked for later reading, and just to say hello. I keep running into you on other memes, so perhaps it's a sign that I shuld just add you to my blogroll?

Have a wonderful week.

(That picture is just lovely.)

-- MissMeliss

Madseason said...

Greetings! I'm here from Michele's. Very nice to 'meet' you and will check out your new 'Grace Notes'! Great pic from your writing chair!

Mike Davis said...

I'm in awe and more than a little envious of the view from your writing chair!

Hello, Michele sent me and congratulation on site of the day!

Anne said...

Hi, Michele sent me. I like Sunday's photo very much, very relaxing.

Sara said...

Hello, Michele sent me to tell you Congratulations! Very pretty photo and I love your introduction to Grace Notes...wonderful read! Thanks for sharing...

awareness said...

Hi everyone.....thank you so much for the comments and encouragement! What a great day for a new blog!! I will post my feelings on how it has unfolded, perhaps tonight. Michele, thank you for the new people traffic. It's been such a boost on a day when I was feeling a bit nervous.

Gypsy (are you isabella too?) to answer your question....the experience has been very different because it is so much more public. When I started blogging, I had a whole year of writing on my own....and a couple of readers (who still support my efforts which is so appreciated) My full name etc is out there now.....and given my job etc, I have to be cognizant of the type of opinions I share etc. It feels like a good next step.....I want to eventually will take this step and see where it leads.

Charles?? Missing our ADHD chats and the knocks on my office window to come out for a cig! Just to clarify BloggerMan? I am volunteering!! Irvings aren't paying me.......UNTIL I manage to hit some readership benchmark. SO PLEASE visit the Grace Notes site as often as possible!! So, can I continue to be your fav bureaucrat until I make my breakaway with a runaway bestseller and I can quit my day job??

btw Charles.......havent heard from Abel.....

Linda.......glad to know of another NB'er out there!! Will post some local shots in the coming weeks.....dont have any of Edmonston...normally driving through there in the dead of winter on the way up to Ontario to visit family....... :) It is a beautiful area.....and have always wanted to explore it during the summer season.....alas.....we tend to head east on weekends and not west....

And everyone else.....thank you. Your visits and comments mean a lot.

Moogie said...

How wonderful! Congrats on that and being chosen as Michele's SOTD. Great things MUST be in store for you!

Michele sent me but I'm oh so glad I came.

WendyWings said...

Wow a double banger day for you all round.Congratulations on being Micheles site of the day and the new writing gig at Canada East :)
Michele sent me today

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you. You are an amazing writer and I will visit Grace Notes regularly.
You Rock!!!!

Kamsin said...

The new site, looks (and reads) great! Congrats on being chosen to do it, but then your writing is so consistently good it's not such a big surprise! Hope they sought the comments thing out soon.

The House on Big Island said...

Hi Dana,

Still here, still near and proud to be posting 35th!

(WOW - remember us little people, eh?)

Loads of warm, fond wishes.


awareness said...


Isn't this wild?

Good to know you're out there. I am in Ontario writing this...had dinner with a couple of Kawabi kindreds last night.....wonderful evening.

Will be in touch.

Canadian Sentinel said...

Aaaalll riiiiight! :)


Going to go see it now!

Way to go!

sage said...

I love the photo of the tidal basin on Prince Edward Island, great contrast and light

awareness said...

Thanks Sentinel Guy...I'm glad you found out....wish I could write political stuff, but you know....i need to work :)

Sage...welcome and thank you. Photos on PEI seem to take themselves really....i find the lighting and colour so intriguing too.